Browsing by Yonsei Author : Park, Eun-Cheol

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Park, Eun-Cheol [박은철]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Preventive Medicine (예방의학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (57198851870)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 784

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024국내 중등증 의료서비스 제공 방법에 대한 전문가 의견 조사: 포커스 그룹 인터뷰와 델파이 조사를 활용하여 HIRA Research(건강보험심사평가원 학술지)
2024Impact of the mental health law revision restricting hospitalization on healthcare utilization in South Korea using interrupted time series analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024The association between the type of offline social participation and digital literacy among Korean older adults: a cross-sectional study BMC PSYCHOLOGY
2024Associations between changes in deprivation and alcohol use disorder: a nationwide longitudinal studyALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
2024Punitive state policies targeting alcohol use during pregnancy and alcohol consumption among pregnant women SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Association between living alone and generalized anxiety disorder in Korean adults JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2024Effect of Chronic Kidney Disease on All-Cause Mortality After Hip Fracture Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort StudyCALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL
2024Association between alcohol use disorder and risk of obstructive sleep apneaJOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH
2024Association between secondhand smoke exposure and anxiety among adolescents: A nationwide cross-sectional study TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES
2024Association between sleep patterns and alcohol use disorders in workers PLOS ONE
2024Association of sleep and generalized anxiety disorder in Korean adolescents BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2024Association between body mass index and atopic dermatitis among adolescents: Findings from a national cross-sectional study in Korea PLOS ONE
2024Association between Physical Activity and Phase Angle Obtained via Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in South Korean Adults Stratified by Sex NUTRIENTS
2024Association between stress types and adolescent suicides: findings from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2024Association Between Economic Activity and Depressive Symptoms Among Women With Parenting Children JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2024Association between watching eating broadcasts like mukbang and cookbang and generalized anxiety disorder among Korean adolescents BMC PSYCHIATRY
2024의과대학 정원 확대에 대한 제언 Health Policy and Management(보건행정학회지)
2024Association between watching eating shows and unhealthy food consumption in Korean adolescents NUTRITION JOURNAL
2024Association between the utilization of senior centers and participation in health check-ups SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Association of the Type of Public Pension With Mental Health Among South Korean Older Adults: Longitudinal Observational Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2024Association between Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and the Risk of Cardio Cerebrovascular DiseaseLARYNGOSCOPE
2024Association between watching eating broadcast "Mukbang and Cookbang" and body mass index status in South Korean adolescents stratified by gender NUTRITION JOURNAL
2024Differences in end-of-life care patterns between types of hospice used for cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study BMC PALLIATIVE CARE
2024Trends in private caregiving cost after implementing a comprehensive nursing service covered by national health insurance: Interrupted time seriesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES
2024Impact of continuity of care on older adults diagnosed with mental and behavioural disorders at risk of death due to intentional self-harm: a retrospective Korean cohort study PUBLIC HEALTH
2024Association between antidepressants and the risk of diabetic foot ulcers and amputation in antidepressant-naïve type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: A nested case-control study DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE
2024The Association between High-Caffeine Drink Consumption and Anxiety in Korean Adolescents NUTRIENTS
2024Association between nurse staffing level in intensive care settings and hospital-acquired pneumonia among surgery patients: result from the Korea National Health Insurance cohort EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION
2024Impact of parental leave system on the childbirth plan among working married women: a three-year follow-up study of the Korean longitudinal survey of women and families BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH
2024Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation Health Insurance Coverage on Cardiac Rehabilitation Use in Korea Using an Interrupted Time Series JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION
2024Impact of financial incentives for infection prevention and management on antibiotic use: A Korea National Health Insurance cohort study JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2024Increased Risk of Dementia Following a Diagnosis of Hearing Impairment: A South Korean Nationwide Cohort StudyJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2024Estimation of the Three Phases by Direct Cost of Care for Non-surviving Patients with Cancer: A National Population-based Patient-level Study JOURNAL OF CANCER
2024Risk of Pancreatic Cancer After Acute Pancreatitis: A Retrospective Analysis of the Korean National Sample Cohort JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2024Socioeconomic Status and Dementia Risk Among Intensive Care Unit Survivors: Using National Health Insurance Cohort in KoreaJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2024Effect of the peripartum depressive symptoms on the Internet use disorder of their offspring in late childhood: retrospective longitudinal study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023의사 인력의 수급 현황과 추세에 따른 적정 조정 Health Policy and Management(보건행정학회지)
2023Impact of frailty on mortality and healthcare costs and utilization among older adults in South Korea SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Impact of cardiac rehabilitation on cardiovascular event in Korea SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Association between anti-smoking campaign types and smoking cessation attempts SSM-POPULATION HEALTH
2023Association between physical activity and health-related quality of life in middle-aged and elderly individuals with musculoskeletal disorders: Findings from a national cross-sectional study in Korea PLOS ONE
2023Association between having a meal together with family and smoking: a cross-sectional nationwide survey BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2023Effects of life-sustaining treatment plans on healthcare expenditure and healthcare utilization BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH
2023Changes in the Place of Death of Patients With Cancer After the Introduction of Insurance-Covered, Home-Based Hospice Care in Korea JAMA NETWORK OPEN
2023Association between changes in sensory impairment and functional disability in older adults: A longitudinal studyARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS
2023Impact of Coinsurance Reduction Policy on Healthcare Utilization Among Children Under 15 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2023Association between Delivery during Off-Hours and the Risk of Severe Maternal Morbidity: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2023Association between stress-related disorders and the risk of dementia using the Korean National Sample Cohort: a matched cohort study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
20232021년 재난적 의료비 경험률 현황 및 추이. Health Policy and Management(보건행정학회지)
2023New-onset dyslipidemia in adult cancer survivors from medically underserved areas: a 10-year retrospective cohort study BMC CANCER

