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한국 성인 남성에서 보정한 QT 간격과 비알코올성 지방간 질환의 연관성

Other Titles
 Corrected QT Interval is Associated with Nonalconolic Fatty Liver Disease in Korean Adult Men 
 유주연  ;  권유진 
 Korean Journal of Family Practice (가정의학), Vol.9(3) : 260-265, 2019 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Family Practice(가정의학)
Issue Date
n-Alcoholic Fattiy Liver Disease ; Corrected QT ; Ultrasonography
Background: Recently, the incidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been growing rapidly. Corrected QT (QTc) interval prolongation is known to be associated with the risk of coronary heart disease. In this study, our aim was to establish whether NAFLD diagnosed using ultrasonography is associated with QTc intervals in Korean adult men.

Methods: We recruited 1,155 Korean adult men who visited the Gangnam Severance Hospital health promotion center between October 2007 and July 2010. The participants underwent liver ultrasonography according to a standardized protocol, which confirmed the diagnosis of NAFLD. Standard electrocardiography was performed for analysis of the QTc interval.

Results: The 1,155 participants had a mean QTc interval of 430.7±21.2 ms. Of them, 366 had a QTc interval ≥440 ms. The values of the QTc interval increased in relation to the severity of NAFLD. After adjustment for confounders, QT interval prolongation was significantly associated with NAFLD in the severe NAFLD group. The odds ratios were 2.102 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.536?2.877) (model 1), 1.986 (95% CI 1.399?2.819) (model 2), and 1.960 (95% CI 1.347?2.851) (model 3).

Conclusion: QTc interval prolongation was significantly associated with NAFLD severity in Korean adult men. Depending on the severity of NAFLD, QTc intervals were prolonged. QTc interval length is easily determined and may contribute to cardiovascular risk stratification in male patients with NAFLD.
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Kwon, Yu-Jin(권유진) ORCID logo
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