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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2014Modification of surface pretreatment of white spot lesions to improve the safety and efficacy of resin infiltration KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS
2015Prevention of dental erosion of a sports drink by nano-sized hydroxyapatite in situ studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY
2014QLF-D, ICDAS, DIAGOdent를 이용한 발거된 치아의 교합면 우식증의 정량화 비교 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2011The addition of nano-sized hydroxyapatite to a sports drink to inhibit dental erosion: in vitro study using bovine enamel.JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2009인공 초기우식병소에 대한 나노크기 탄산인회석의 재광화 효과 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2013일부 국내 어린이 음료의 우치 법랑질 침식력과 침식 위험 요소 평가 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2011탄산수소나트륨과 트리클로산 배합치약의 항균 및 치면세균막 형성 억제효과 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)

