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Showing results 101 to 120 of 1198

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Validity and Reliability of a Non-Radiographic Postural Analysis Device Based on an RGB-Depth Camera Comparing EOS 3D Imaging: A Prospective Observational Study HEALTHCARE
2023Movement-specific keyboard playing for hand function in adolescents and young adults with acquired brain injury FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2023Usefulness of YouTube in Sharing Information about New Gene Therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Content Analysis HEALTHCARE
2023Feasibility of 24-h urine creatinine clearance as a renal function monitoring tool in spinal cord injury patientsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY
2022코로나바이러스감염증-19로 인한 급성호흡곤란증후군의 재활치료 Clinical Pain(대한임상통증학회지)
2022오십견 치료를 위한 초음파 유도하 어깨 관절강내 주사 Clinical Pain(대한임상통증학회지)
2022근골격계 질환에서 디지털치료제의 적용 Clinical Pain(대한임상통증학회지)
2022Reelin protects against pathological α-synuclein accumulation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration after environmental enrichment in Parkinson's disease NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE
2022Hemodynamic Consideration in Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring in Neuromuscular Scoliosis Surgery Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2022Central Auditory Processing Disorder in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment BEHAVIOURAL NEUROLOGY
2022Value of Online Videos as a Shoulder Injection Training Tool for Physicians and Usability of Current Video Evaluation Tools INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2022Establishment of muscle mass-based indications for the cystatin C test in renal function evaluation FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE
2022Safety and efficacy of MT10107 in post-stroke upper limb spasticity treatment: A phase I randomized controlled trial MEDICINE
2022Machine learning based risk prediction for Parkinson's disease with nationwide health screening data SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Promoting Adherence to Joint Exercise Using the Donation Model: Proof via a Motion-Detecting Mobile Exercise Coaching Application YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Myelin Water Imaging of Nerve Recovery in Rehabilitating Stroke PatientsJOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
2022Network Effects of Brain Lesions Causing Central Poststroke PainANNALS OF NEUROLOGY
2022Pulmonary rehabilitation in high cervical spinal cord injury: a series of 133 consecutive casesSPINAL CORD
2022Brain Tumor Rehabilitation: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment Strategy Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2022Exo-Abs: A Wearable Robotic System Inspired by Human Abdominal Muscles for Noninvasive and Effort-Synchronized Respiratory AssistanceIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS

