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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
201816S rRNA profiling of the Dermatophagoides farinae core microbiome: Enterococcus and BartonellaCLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY
199818S-srRNA 분석에 의한 Acantbamoeba 한국 분리주들의 분류 검토 Ajou Medical Journal (아주의학)
2008A 27 kDa Cysteine Protease Secreted by Newly Excysted Paragonimus westermani Metacercariae Induces Superoxide Anion Production and Degranulation of Human Eosinophils KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2002A case of breast sparganosis KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
1998A case of loiasis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2017A Case of Pentastomiasis at the Left Maxilla Bone in a Patient with Thyroid Cancer KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2013A comparison of inflammatory mediator expression between palmoplantar pustulosis and pompholyxJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY
2006A DNA vaccine encoding a fatty acid-binding protein of Clonorchis sinensis induces protective immune response in sprague-dawley ratsSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY
2020A first nation-wide assessment of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Fijian primary schools, and factors associated with the infection, using a lymphatic filariasis transmission assessment survey as surveillance platform PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES
1998A human case of tick bite by Ixodes nipponensis KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
1998A human case of tick bite by Ixodes persulcatus KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2010A mammalian insulysin homolog is regulated by enzyme IIA(Glc) of the glucose transport system in Vibrio vulnificus.FEBS LETTERS
1998A new species of the genus cricotopus (Diptera: Chironomidae), a pest of rice in seosan, KoreaKorean Journal of Biological Sciences
2021A polo-like kinase modulates cytokinesis and flagella biogenesis in Giardia lamblia PARASITES & VECTORS
2000A small-scale survey on the status of intestinal parasite infections in rural villages in Nepal. Korean Journal of Parasitology
2003A survey of Brugia malayi infection on the Heugsan Islands, Korea KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2015A tegument-specific venom allergen-like protein of Clonorchis sinensisPARASITOLOGY RESEARCH
1998Acanthamoebiasis in Korea: two new cases with clinical cases reviewYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2011Accessible chromatin structure permits factors Sp1 and Sp3 to regulate human TGFBI gene expression.BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2013Acquired bilateral nevoid telangiectasia: report of 9 casesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY

