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Showing results 61 to 80 of 564

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Prognostic factors for late death in septic shock survivors: a multi-center, prospective, registry-based observational studyINTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022Immediate complete revascularization showed better outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors with left main or triple-vessel coronary diseases SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Predisposing Factors and Neurologic Outcomes of Patients with Elevated Serum Amylase and/or Lipase after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2022Comparison of the survival and neurological outcomes in OHCA based on smoking status: investigation of the existence of the smoker's paradox SIGNA VITAE
2022Using the lactate-to-albumin ratio to predict mortality in patients with sepsis or septic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES
20222021 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; First Aid Task Forces; and the COVID-19 Working GroupCIRCULATION
2022Relationship between time of emergency department admission and adherence to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign bundle in patients with septic shock CRITICAL CARE
2022Effect of Prehospital Epinephrine on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Which Septic Shock Patients With Non-Overt DIC Progress to DIC After Admission? Point-of-Care Thromboelastography TestingSHOCK
2022Targeted Temperature Management at 36 °C Shows Therapeutic Effectiveness via Alteration of Microglial Activation and Polarization After Ischemic StrokeTRANSLATIONAL STROKE RESEARCH
2022중증 외상 환자에서의 다발성 장기부전 발생 예측에 있어 젖산/알부민값의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine(대한응급의학회지)
2022Characteristics of crashes and injuries on delivery motorcycles: A retrospective cohort studyTRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION
2022Risk factors for computed tomography interpretation discrepancy in emergently transferred patients WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022Biomarker Analysis for Combination Therapy of Vitamin C and Thiamine in Septic Shock: A Post-Hoc Study of the ATESS TrialSHOCK
2022Predictive model for diagnosing central lesions in emergency department patients with isolated dizziness who undergo diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imagingACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2021급성 중독으로 응급실에 내원하여 사망한 환자의 원인물질 및 시간 분포 Journal of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology(대한임상독성학회지)
2021The effect of BMI on COVID-19 outcomes among older patients in South Korea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study ANNALS OF MEDICINE
2021Differential Biases and Variabilities of Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence and Human Experts in Clinical Diagnosis: Retrospective Cohort and Survey Study JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021Changes in Clinical Characteristics among Febrile Patients Visiting the Emergency Department before and after the COVID-19 Outbreak YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2021응급실에서 사용되는 노쇠 선별도구들 간의 비교: 체계적 고찰 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine(대한응급의학회지)

