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아동의 건강과 안전에 대한 보육교사 교육프로그램의 효과

Other Titles
 Effect of an Education Program on Child Health and Safety for Child Care Teachers 
 오가실  ;  심미경  ;  최은경 
 Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing (아동간호학회지), Vol.15(1) : 5-14, 2009 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing(아동간호학회지)
Issue Date
Health ; Safety ; Child daycare centers ; Education ; Child
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an education program on child health and
safety for teachers in child daycare centers. Method: Using a nonequivalent one group pretest-posttest design, 41
day care staff(N=41) from 12 day care centers in Seoul and D-gun in Chung-Nam were assigned to experimental
group. A program that is appropriate for preventing injuries and protecting the health of young children at child
daycare centers was developed. Health and safety education program was provided for the intervention group for 2
weeks two times. Results: After education session, the mean score of knowledge, self confidence, practice on
safety and health in child care teachers were significantly increased. There were significant differences in the
degree of knowledge according to education, and in the degree of practice according to age. Conclusions: The
education program for child care teachers was effective in promoting knowledge, self confidence and practice on
child health and safety. The results suggest that health and safety education program should be provided
systematically and continuously for child care teachers.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Choi, Eun Kyoung(최은경) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4622-2437
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