This paper describes the clinical use of the dose verification of multileaf collimator (MLC)-based
CyberKnife plans by combining the Octavius 1000SRS detector and water-equivalent RW3 slab
phantom. The slab phantom consists of 14 plates, each with a thickness of 10 mm. One plate was
modified to support tracking by inserting 14 custom-made fiducials on surface holes positioned at
the outer region of 10×10 cm2. The fiducial-inserted plate was placed on the 1000SRS detector
and three plates were additionally stacked up to build the reference depth. Below the detector, 10
plates were placed to avoid longer delivery times caused by proximity detection program alerts.
The cross-calibration factor prior to phantom delivery was obtained by performing with 200
monitor units (MU) on the field size of 95×92.5 mm2. After irradiation, the measured dose
distribution of the coronal plane was compared with the dose distribution calculated by the
MultiPlan treatment planning system. The results were assessed by comparing the absolute dose
at the center point of 1000SRS and the 3-D Gamma (g) index using 220 patient-specific quality
assurance (QA). The discrepancy between measured and calculated doses at the center point of
1000SRS detector ranged from −3.9% to 8.2%. In the dosimetric comparison using 3-D g-function
(3%/3 mm criteria), the mean passing rates with g-parameter ≤ 1 were 97.4%±2.4%. The
combination of the 1000SRS detector and RW3 slab phantom can be utilized for dosimetry
validation of patient-specific QA in the CyberKnife MLC system, which made it possible to
measure absolute dose distributions regardless of tracking mode.