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병원의료진의 언론노출과 진료실적간의 관계 - 일개 대학병원 사례를 기준으로 -

Other Titles
 The Relationship between the Media Exposure of Hospital Physicians and Patient Volume - a University Hospital Case - 
 김성철  ;  김태경  ;  김태현  ;  박소희  ;  이상규 
 Korean Journal of Hospital Management, Vol.21(1) : 51-61, 2016 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Hospital Management(병원경영학회지)
Issue Date
Mass media ; Hospital physicians ; Media exposure ; Medical treatment activities
This study attempted to investigate how mass media marketing of a hospital influences patient volume. Additionally, the association of patient volume with exposure time and the type of mass media was examined. Data from a university hospital in Bundang (from January 2014 to November 2014) were used. Degree of physicians' mass media marketing was measured by the number of media exposure. Linear mixed model for repeated measures data was run to identify the associations between the number of media exposure and patient volume. First, the number of hospital physician's mass media exposure and new patients and the first visit patients were positively associated. Second, broadcasting media which has relatively significant in patient volume is TV programs such as cultural programs and news. Third, hospital physicians with higher ranks who were exposed to press media receive more patient appointment. Also, nonsurgical hospital physicians who were exposed to press media receive more patients. Fourth, medical treatment activities for hospital staff who hold the rank of Professor in case of making an appearance at press media have relatively increased. Hospital physician's media exposure, particularly TV programs, was significantly related to patient volume for outpatients.
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Tae Hyun(김태현) ORCID logo
Park, So Hee(박소희) ORCID logo
Lee, Sang Gyu(이상규) ORCID logo
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