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50대 이상 성인에서의 인지기능과 치매위험요인

Other Titles
 Cognitive Function and Dementia-related Risk Factors in Elders above 50 Years Old 
 김상환  ;  문상훈  ;  이혜리  ;  이덕철 
 Korean Journal of Clinical Geriatrics (임상노인의학회지), Vol.6(2) : 217-224, 2005 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Clinical Geriatrics(임상노인의학회지)
Issue Date
Background: Recently, there is known that memory impairment in elders above 50 years old is not independent age-associated problem but preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease. The objectives of our study were to determine the relation of cognitive function and dementia-related risk factors in elders above 50 years old.

Methods: We examined persons that admitted in health promotion center of one college hospital, one hospital in seoul and one hospital in Kyung-gi do. We checked Korean version of MMSE (K-MMSE) and divided two groups. We named that one group of above 29 score is memory impairment group and other group of 24∼28 score is normal cognitive group.

Results: There were 209 men and 207 women. In the normal cognitive group, persons were with higher education level of high school or college (P<0.001), less current smoking (P=0.008) and hypertension (P<0.001). In subcategories of K-MMSE, average scores of delayed recall were lower in the memory impairment group (1.6±0.8) than in the normal group (2.6±0.5) and average scores of concentration or calculation were lower in the memory impairment group (3.5±1.1) than in the normal group (4.8±0.4). Logistic regression yielded education level, smoking and hypertension to be independent predictors of the lower MMSE score. The risk of memory impairment was decreased in persons with higher education level of high school or college vs of elementary school (adjusted OR 0.20; 95% CI, 0.09∼0.45 for high school, adjusted OR 0.10; 95% CI, 0.04∼0.25 for above college). The risk of memory impairment was increased 2.3-fold in persons with current smoking and 2.7-fold with hypertension.

Conclusion: We found the relationship between cognitive decline (memory impairment) and dementiarelated risk factors (aging, education, smoking and hypertension).
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Sang Hwan(김상환)
Lee, Duk Chul(이덕철) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9166-1813
Lee, Hye Ree(이혜리)
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