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Bonding effect of silane in universal adhesive on lithium disilicate glass ceramic

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Dept. of Dental Science/석사
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of silane on the surface treatment of silica based ceramic when silane is incorporated into the universal adhesive versus using silane separately from the adhesive.The materials used in this study are as follows: only All-Bond Universal, Silane mixed with All-Bond Universal, only Porcelain Primer (which is a regular silane primer), and SBU (which is a commercial silane-containing universal adhesive). IPS e-Max press, a lithium disilicate, was used as the silica-based ceramic. In terms of shade matching, IPS e-max press has more aesthetic characteristics compared to any other CAD-CAM ceramic block. Duolink resin cement was used as a composite applied to the surface to test for shear bond strength. Contact angle test is a measurement of hydrophobicity on a silica-based ceramic surface. The more hydrophobic the surface of the ceramic is, the better bonding strength to the adhesive. Shear bond strength was tested by universal testing machine (Instron 4466 crosshead speed=1mm/min). The surfaces of the specimen were polished in order to eliminate any bias from micro mechanical retention due to an uneven surface. Only silane applied to the silica based ceramic surface, result in highest contact angle and shear bond strength.Silane should be used separately from a hydrophobic resin monomer in order to maximize its porcelain surface treatment function. Using silane separately and using silane incorporated into the universal adhesive (contains hydrophobic resin) do not perform equally on silica-based ceramic.
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