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한국인 배자 및 태아에서 엉덩관절의 초기발생

Other Titles
 A Study on the Early Development of the Hip Joint in Staged Human Embryos and Fetuses in Korean 
 장견호  ;  박형우  ;  김원규  ;  백두진 
 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.14(1) : 61-78, 2001 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology(대한체질인류학회지)
Issue Date
엉덩관절초기발생 ; 배자 및 태아 ; 한국인
The author has studied 33 cases of Korean embryos of Carnegie stage 11~23 and 18 cases of fetuses to demonstrate the development of the hip joint. The external feature of the lower extremity was observed by stereoscope and digital
camera, and the internal structures were studied by light microscopic observation.
The results obtained were as follows:
In stage 13 lowerlimb buds were appeared.
In stage 17 mesenchymal condensation for femur and hip bone, and one-layered interzone were observed.
In stage 18 cartilage models for ilium and ischium were visible.
In stage 22 three-layered interzone between the head of femur and hip bone was formed.
In stage 23 acetabular labrum and distinct three-layered interzone was visible.
In the 9th weeks mesenchymal ligamentum capitis femoris and transverse acetabular ligament are. appeared, and
acetabular labrum was reacted tracely to trichrome stain.
In the 10th week the joint space was formed between the femoral head and hip bone, and shallow depression in acetabulum is found.
In the 12th week the articular capsule was directed lateral to acetabular labrum, and numerous blood vessels were
found in acetabular fossa and ligamentum capitis femoris, and cartilage canal were developed in femoral neck.
In the 14th week cartilage canal was found in middle of femoral head, and synovial fold were developed, and
ligamentum capitis femoris was shown strongly positive reaction.
In the 16th week cartilage canals were more found, and numerous blood vessels were observed in fovea capitis.
In the 18nd week the neck of femur was narrow, and femoral head was lied deeply in acetabulum with acetabular labrum.
Consequently the lower extremity of Korean embryos and fetuses was first appeared in stage 13, and hip joint development was started at stage 17. The articular cavity was first formed at the 9th week of development, the acetabulum labrum was developed at stage 23. The mesenchymal ligamentum capitis femoris was appeared at the 9th week. At the same time the transverse acetabular ligament fully encircled the femoral head: The articular capsule has lined the articular cavity at the 12th week, and synovium was formed at the 14th week of development. At the 18th week the hip joint has attained its final shape.
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Yonsei Authors
Park, Hyoung Woo(박형우) ORCID logo
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