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중년 여성의 폐경 증상경험과 자가관리 역량, 사회적 지지와의 관계

Other Titles
 The Relationship among Menopausal Symptoms, Competency of Self-Care Agency and Social Support in Middle-aged Woman 
 최성미  ;  고일선  ;  최모나  ;  장연수 
 Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구), Vol.21(1) : 105-115, 2015 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research(임상간호연구)
Issue Date
Menopause ; Sign and symptom ; Competency ; Self-care ; Social support
Purpose: This descriptive correlational study was intended to analyze the relationship among menopausal symptoms. competency of self-care agency and social support in middle-aged women. Methods: Participants
in the study were 140 women who were 45-60 years of old. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics., t-test, ANOVA, Scheffè’s test and Pearson correlation
coefficients. Results: The frequency and discomfort of menopausal symptom were low, but the mean discomfort score were higher than frequency score. Middle-aged women with lower competency of self care
experienced more frequent menopausal symptoms (t=-0.28, p=.001) and more discomfort (t=-0.24, p=.004). However, There was no significant difference in menopausal symptoms according to social support.
Conclusion: Nursing interventions to enhance competency of self-care agency in middle-aged women are required in order to reduce the discomfort of menopausal symptoms.
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Yonsei Authors
Ko, Il Sun(고일선) ORCID logo
Jang, Yeon Soo(장연수) ORCID logo
Choi, Mona(최모나) ORCID logo
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