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신규간호원의 자아개념과 직무만족에 관한 조사연구

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 (A) descriptive study on self concept and job satisfaction of newly employed nurses : case study for a general hospital : 일 종합병원을 중심으로 
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본 연구는 정규 간호교육과정을 마치고 전문직간호원으로 처음 병원에 근무하는 신규간호원의 자아개념과 직무만족의 정도를 파악하기 위한 목적에서 시도되었다.

직무만족은 개인이 직무에 대하여 가지는 태도로 인지와 평가에 따른 행동경향들의 복합체를 의미한다. 그러므로 이러한 행동경향들의 기본이 되고 행동자체에 중요한 영향을 미치는 자아개념을 이해하는 것은 곧 개인의 직무에 대한 태도를 파악하는데 도움이 된다. 따라서 본 연구는 신규간호원을 대상으로 전문직의 사회화 과정을 겪고 있는 신규간호원의 자기 자신에 대한 태도인 자아개념과 직무에 대한 태도인 직무만족을 파악하여 개인의 성장과 간호전문직의 발전에 조금이나마 도움이 되는 기초적 자료를 제공하기 위해 시도되었다.

연구대상은 Y의료원 부속병원에 신규채용된 간호원 전수를 유한모집단으로 하여 연구목적에 맞는 신규간호원 91명을 선정하였다.

연구도구는 최정훈의 지각향성검사도구와 Rosenberger의 Self-Esteem 측정도구를 심영옥이 번역하여 사용한 자아개념에 관한 30문항과, McCulloch가 개발한 신규간호원의 직무만족측정도구를 본 연구자가 번역하고 문장화한 것을 문헌고찰을 바탕으로 요인분석하여

97문항으로 작성된 질문지를 사용하였다.

자료수집기간은 1987년 4월 23일부터 4월 25일까지 3일간 이었으며, 수집한 자료는 백분율, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficiency의 통계방법으로 분석처리하였다.

본 연구의 결과를 토대로 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다.

1. 대상자의 일반적 특성은 평균연령 22.9세였으며 23세군이 41.8%로 가장 높은 구성비율을 차지하였고, 종교는 기독교가 71.4%, 성장한 곳은 대도시가 65.5%, 최종학력은 간호학과가 78.5 %로 나타났으며, 근무기간은 0 ∼ 3개월군이 49.5%, 부서이동 경험은 없는

사람이 93.4 %, 취업전 희망부서와 현 근무부서가 일치하는 사람은 58.2%, 현 근무부서는 특수부서가 27.5 %로 나타났다.

2. 대상자의 자아개념정도는 최대평점 5점에 평균평점 3.80으로 나타났으며, 인지적 자아(3.91)가 평가적 자아 (3.58)에 비해 약간 높게 나타났다.

3. 대상자의 직무만족정도는 최대평점 5점에 평균평점 3.19 로 나타났으며, 이를 영역별로 보면 수간호원의 지도력이 3.63으로 가장 높게 나타났고, 그 다음은 전문직 존중(3.47), 정서적 상황(3.22), 사회적 의의 (3.10), 전문직 준비 (2.96), 근무조건 (2.80), 봉급 (2.59)의 순이었다.

4. 대상자의 자아개념정도와 일반적 특성과의 관계분석에서는 취업전 희망부서와 현 근무부서와의 일치 여부( t = 2.0481, p < .05)에서만 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 직무만족과 일반적 특성과의 관계분석에서는 종교( F = 5.3828, p < .01)와 취업전 희망 부서와 현 근무부서와의 일치 여부( t = 2.6328, p < .05)에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

5. 대상자의 자아개념과 직무만족간의 관계는 통계적으로 유의한 순상관관계를 보였다 ( r = .4143, p< .001 ).

결론적으로 신규간호원의 자아개념과 직무만족정도는 긍정적이며, 자아개념이 높은 신규간호원은 직무만족도가 높고, 자아개념이 낮은 신규간호원은 직무만족도가 낮음을 알았으며, 또한 본인이 원하는 부서에서 근무하는 신규간호원의 자아개념과 직무만족정도가 높음을 알 수 있었다.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of self concept and job satisfaction of nurses who completed regular programs of nursing education and were newly employed as professional nurses.

Job satisfaction is described as a synthesis of complex behavioral trends based on self-perception and self-appraisal in regard to their job. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the self concept, which is an important factor in formulating behavioral trends of individual. This study attempted to measure both the degree of self concept and job satisfaction of newly employed nurses who were in the process of socialization as professional nurses. The results of this study may serve as a good basic data source for further development of study related to professional nursing.

The data used in this study were collected from 91 nurses, who qualified for the study purpose, the samples were drawn from all newly employed professional nurses working at Y medical center .

The analytical tools used were a perceptual orientation scale developed by Choi, a self-esteem measure designed by Rosenberger, which was translated by Shim, and parts of a satisfaction developed by McCulloch, which was translated by this researcher. The survey questionaire consisted of 30 questions related to self concept and 97 questions related to job satisfaction.

The data collected during the three-day period of April 23-25, 1987, were analyzed by percentage analysis, t-teat, analysis of variance, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The major findings based on the results of statistical analysis were as follows ;

1. The general characteristics of the sample were as follows; The mean age was 23 and this was 41.8% of the sample, the highest ratio. For religion, the Christian religion had the highest share, 70.4% and 11.0% had no religion. 78.5% were graduated from nursing colleges and 49.5% had 0-3 months working experience as of the time of the survey. and 61.5% grew-up in big cities, 93.4% of the sample had no rotation experience between departments and 58.2% were working in the department where they hoped to work before being employed and 27.5% were working in special units.

2. The mean score for self concept was 3.80 points, with a maximum score set at 5 points, and the score for perception of self showed a slightly higher score than the score for self appraisal (3.91 points vs 3.58 points).

3. The mean score for job satisfaction was 3.19 points with a maximum set at 5 points. The ranks of the factors which had the greatest influence on the scores for job satisfaction were as follows ; leaderships of headnurse 3.63 point, professional consideration 3.47 points, emotional conditions 3.22 points, social significance 3.10 points, professional preparation 2.96 points, working0 conditions 2.80 points, and rewards 2.59 points.

4. The statistical results obtained from relationship analysis between the degree of self concept and general characteristics show that the only characteristic, that was statistically significant was working in the department which one had hoped to work in before employment(t = 2.0481, p < .05). In The relationship analysis between job satisfaction and the general characteristics, two factors, that is, religion (F =5.3828, p <.01) and working in the department which one had hoped to work in before employment (t=2.6328, p < .05) statistically signficant.

5. The study results also show that self concept and job satisfaction were positively correlated with a statistical significance (r=.4143, p < .001).

In conclusion, this study indicates that the degree of self concept and job satisfaction of newly employed nurses is favorable, and nurses with a high self concept have high job satisfaction and nurses with a low self concept have low job satisfaction. And it also shows that nurses who are working in the department they want to work in have a high self concept and job satisfaction.
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