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만성 질환자의 통제위 성격과 우울과의 상관관계 연구

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 (A) study of the correlation between lous of control and depression in chronic patients 
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본 연구는 Rotter의 사회학습 이론과 Seligman의 학습된 무력감 이론의 범위내에서, 만성 질환자의 우울 정도와 통제위 성격을 파악하고, 통제위 성격에 따른 우울과의 관계를 규명하여, 만성 질환자의 심리적인 간호에 통제위 개념의 중요성을 제시하고자 시도되었다.

연구대상은 서울시내에 소재하는 3개의 대학부속병원에 치료를 받기 위해 온 내과 외래환자와 입원환자중 만성질환 환자 86명으로 하였다.

자료수집 방법은 질문지법과 면담방법을 사용하였다. 연구도구는 통제위 성격 측정에 Wallston & Wallston이 개발한 다차원적 건강통제위 측정(Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales)도구, 우울 측정은 Zung의 자가평가 우울(Self-Rating Depression)도구를 사용하였다.

자료수집 기간은 1984년 4월 5일부터 동년 4월 25일까지 20일간이었다. 수집된 자료는 t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient 등의 통계방법을 사용하여 분석하였다.

연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.

1. 제1가설: "내적 통제위 성향일수록 우울정도가 낮을 것이다."는 지지되었다(r=-.3201, P<.001).

2. 제2가설: "건강이 영향력 있는 타인에 의해 좌우된다고 믿는 성향일수록 우울정도가 높을 것이다."는 지지되지 못했다( r=-.1798, P<.05)

3. 제3가설: "건강이 행운이나 요행에 의해 좌우된다고 믿는 성향일수록 우울정도는 높을 것이다"는 지지되었다.( r=.2472, P<.05).

결론적으로 만성 질환자는 정상적인 우울상태에 있으며, 건강이 행운이나 요행에 의해 좌우된다고 믿는 성향의 환자가 영향력 있는 타인에 의해 좌우된다고 믿는 성향의 환자나 내적 통제위 성향의 환자보다 우울정도가 더 심하므로, 우울을 감소시키기 위한 간호중

재에 통제위 성격이 중요한 개념임을 알 수 있었다.


This Study was done to demonstrate the importance of providing psychological care in regard to the locus of control in chronic patients. Therefore the study was designed to test the correlation between locus of control and depression in the ill

individual and to identify the difference in the degree of depression and locus of Control within the context of Rotter's social learning theory and Seligman's theory of learned helplessness.

The subjects for this study were 86 medical patients who were either outpatioents or inpatients at 3 University Hospitals.

Data was Collected from April 5th to April 25th, 1984, by means of questionare and interview.

The instruments for this study were Wallston and Wallstons' Multidimensional Helth Locus of Control Scale and Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale.

Data was analyzed by use of t-test, ANOVA, pearson Correlation Coefficient and Partial Correlation Coefficient.

The results of this study can be summarized as follows;

1. The first hypothesis, "The higher the level of internal locus of Control, the lower the level of depression" was substantiated. (r=-.3201, P<.001)

2. The Second hypothesis, "The higher the level of powerful-others-locus of Control, the higher the level of depression" was not substantiated. (r=-.1798, P<.05)

3. The third hypothesis, "The higher the level of chance-locus of control, the higher the level of depression" was substantiated (r=.2472, P<.05)

4. Analysis of factors influencing depression;

1) Gender: Women were found to have a higher level of depression than men.

2) Degree of education: Subjects who had low degree of education were found to have a higher level of depression than subjects who had higher degree of education.

3) Time of Knowing diagnosis: Subjects who had a long time of Knowing diagnosis were found to have a higher level of depression than other subjects.

4) Surgical or non-surgical experience: Surgical subjects were found to have a higher level of depression than other subjects.

5. Analysis of factors influencing locus of control;

1) Age: The old were found to have a higher level of internal locus of control.

2) Gender: Men were found to have a higher level of inte internal locus of control.

3) Degree of education: Subjects who had low degree of education were found to have a higher level of chancelocus of control.

4) Time of Knowing diagnosis: Subjects who had a short time of Knowing diagnosis were found to have a higher level of powerful-others-locus of control than other subjects.

In conclusion, it was found that chronic patients have normal depressive states. It was also found that the higher the level of chance-locus of control the greater the degree of depression. A conclusion of this study is that an important nursing intervention to help diminish depression is to assist the patient in changing the locus of control from that of chance to internal control.
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