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비도시지역 의료보호 적용인구의 구강보건 진료수진실태에 관한 조사연구

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저자는 비도시지역에 거주하는 의료보호적용인구가 필요로 하는 구강진료를 원활히 받

을수 있는 방안을 연구하는 노력의 일환으로, 이들의 구강진료 수진에 영향을 미치는 여

러가지 요인중에서 가정으로부터 구강보건진료기관에 내원하는 데에 소요되는 시간별, 구

강보건진료기관별, 계절별, 구강진료행위별로 구강진료를 수진하는 정도를 검토하였던바,

다음관 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 비도시지역에 거주하는 의료보호적용인구중에서 구강보건진료기관에 내원하는 데에

소요되는 시간이 30분 이내인 거주지역권의 의료보호적용인구비율은 6.81%이었고, 30분초

과 60분내인 거주지역권의 의료보호적용인구비율은 9.97%이었으며, 60분이상 소요되는 거

주지역권의 의료보호적용인구비율은 12.32%이었다.

2, 년간구강진료경험자율 평균년간1인당구강진료회수 평균년간1인당구강진료건수등의

구강진료수진도를 나타내는 구강보건지표는 구강보건진료기관에 내원하는데 소요되는 시

간30분을 기점으로 큰 차이를 보였다.

3. 구강보건진료기관별 의료보호적용인구에 대한 년간구강진료비율은 치과의원에서 보

다 보건소 구강보건실에서 월등히 높았다.

4. 계절별 년간구강진료비율은 가을에 가장 높아서 의료보호적용인구의 구강진료수진이

농번기와는 상관이 없었다.

5. 구강진료행위별 년간구강진료비율은 구강검사만을 받은것을 제외하고는 영구치 발치

에서 가장 높아서, 의료보호적용인구가 만기치료 위주의 구강진료를 수진하는 경향이었다


6. 비도시지역 의료보호적용인구의 1차구강보건진료권의 범위를 원칙적으로 읍면단위로

함이 타당하다고 사료되었다.

7. 비도시지역 의료보호적용인구의 구강보건진료수진을 높이기 위하여 의료보호사업에

관한 홍보를 강화하고 아울러, 의료보호적용인구가 핀요로 하는 더 많은 구강보건진료를

시술해야 한다고 검토되었다.


Park Rae Won, D.D.S., M.S.D.

Graduate SchooL, Yonsei University

(Director: Prof Chong-Youl Kim, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.)

For the purpose of developing the dental care delivery system for medicaid

residents in rural areas of the Republic of Korea, the author has surveyed 2 rural

administrative regions. The numbers of medicaid residents were collected from the

existing records, and medicaid residents were interviewed the time required to

reach the dental facilities from home, Thereafter, all medicaid residents of the

area were divided into three groups; those who could reach the dental facilities

within 30 minutes, within 30 to 60 minutes and over 60 minutes. The numbers of

medicaid residents who visited dentists once or more in a year, and dental visit

frequencies were surveyed from the records stored in dental facilities.

From the collected data, dental health indices were calculated and discussed; 1.

Percentages of medicaid residents in each region according to the time required for

the residents to visit dentists, 2. Percentages of medicaid residents visiting

dentists once or more in a year of total medicaid residents in each region, 3.

Average annual dental visits of medicaid residents in each region, 4. Average

annual dental treatment cases of medicaid residents in each region. 5. Average

annual dental visits of medicaid residents visiting dentists once or more in a year

in earth region. 6. Average annual dental treatment cases of medicaid residents

visiting dentists once or more in a year in each region. 7. Average dental

treatment cases per dental visit of medicaid residents in each region, 8.

Percentages of dental cares supplied by the various types of dental facilities for

medicaid residents in each region, 9. Percentages of dental cares supplied for

medicaid residents by season, and 10. Percentages of various dental treatment cases

supplied for medicaid residents.

The results are as fellows:

1. The percentages of medicaid residents who could reach the dental facilities

within 30. minutes were 6.81% of the total population ; those medicaid residents

who could reach the dental facilities within 30 to 60 minutes, 9.97% ; those

medicaid residents who could reach the dental facilities in over 60 minutes,


2. Dental health indicies such as average annual dental visits, average annual

dental treatment cases showed an inverse relationship to the time required to reach

a dental facility from home.

3. More dental care services were supplied for medicaid residents by dental

clinics of health centers than by the private dental clinics.

4. More dental care services were used by medicaid residents in autumn than any

other season, and they had no relation to the lousy farming days.

5. Most of the dental treatment cases supplied for medicaid residents were

tertiary preventive care services such as extractions of permanent teeth.

6. It seemed that the dental facilities for the rural medicaid residents should

be established in the Up or Myon areas also.

7. It is necessary that the government give more information about medicaid and

dental care services for the rural residents.
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