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신체장애아 가족의 적응에 관한 연구

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 (A) study of family adjustment in the family with a physically handicapped child 
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장애아를 가진 가족은 정상기능에서 이탈된 장애가족이 되기 쉬우므로 이에 최근의 관심은 의료적 변인만큼 사회심리적 변인에 더 직접적으로 나타나고 있으며 전반적인 가족체제에 대하여 강조하게 되었다. 장애아의 가족은 아동의 성장·발달에 지대한 영향을 미침은 물론 재활성취에도 매우 중요한 역할을 담당하고있다.

이에 본 연구의 목적은 신체장애아의 가족적 변인과 가족적응간의 관계를 파악하여 간호중재 및 부모교육을 위한 과학적 자료를 제공하고자 하는 데 있다.

연구의 대상은 서울시내 2개소 소아재활원, 2개소 특수학교, 1개소 대학부속병원 물리치료실과 장애아 부모상담실에서 신체장애아의 부모로 82명을 선택하였다.

연구도구는 Schaefer & Bell의 Parent Attitude Research Inventory(RARI), Berger의 Acceptance of Self and Others Scale (ASOS) 와 Yuker의 2인의 Attitude Toward Disabled People Scale (ATDPS)를 연구목적에 맞게 수정·보완하여 작성한 질문지를 사용하였다.

자료수집기간은 1982년 9월 27일부터 10월 16일에 걸친 17일 동안이었으며, 수집된 자료는 백분율, T-test, Analysis of Variance, Pearson Correlation Coefficients, Stepwise Multiple Regression의 통계방법으로 분석 고찰하였다.

연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.

1. 제 1 가설인 "부모 - 아동간의 상호작용과 가족적응간에는 유의한 상관관계가 있을 것이다."는 채택되었다.( r=.3326, p=.001)

제 2 가설인, "어머니의 역할절충과 가족적응간에는 유의한 상관관계가 있을 것이다."는 채택되었다.(r=.2842, p=.005)

제 3 가설인, "어머니의 자·타자 수용성과 가족적응간에는 유의한 상관관계가 있을 것이다."는 채택되었다.(r=.2958, p=.00 3)

제 4 가설인, "어머니의 장애자에 대한 태도와 가족적응간에는 유의한 상관관계가 있을 것이다."는 채택되었다.(r=.2969, P=.003)

2. 가족적응과 관련된 제특성과의 관계분석에서, 가족의 경제상태가 가족적응에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

3. 가족적응과 제변수들간의 다변수 회귀분석에서는 부모 - 아동간의 상호작용만으로는 가족적응을 11.06% 설명할 수 있었고(F=9.9524, p<.01), 어머니의 자·타자 수용성을 첨가하면 20.76%를 설명할 수 있었으며 (F=10.3471, p<.01) 어머니의m 장애아에 대한 태도를 더 첨가하면 24.64%를 설명할 수 있었고(F=8.4997, p<.01) 여기에 어머니의 역할절충을 첨가한 네 변수로는 가족적응을 25.64% 설명할 수 있었다.

결론적으로 부모 - 아동간의 상호작용, 어머니의 자·타자 수용성, 어머니의 장애아에 대한 태도, 어머니의 역할절충과 가족적응간에는 긍정적 상관관계를 나타내고 있으며, 이상의 네 변수 외에도 가족적응에 영향을 미치는 제반요인이 많은 것으로 사려되어 앞으로

신체장애아 가족의 적응에 관련된 제 요인의 연구가 필요하다고 본다.


Recent attention seems to more directed towards psychosocial variables as well as medical variables and the emphasis is on the total family system, since a handicapped child engenders a handicapped family.

The family is tremendously important to child development and achievement of rehabilitation and the family achieve the best adjustment possible in their particular circumstances.

The study is focused on the relationships between family adjustment and family variables of a physically handicapped child.

This study will provide the nurse with scientific that can be used as basis data for setting up a Nursing care plan for Nursing Intervention and parent counseling.

The subjects of this study were made up the parents of 73 physically handicapped children from two child rehabilitation centers. two special schools, the dept. of physical therapy in university hospital and the counsel of a parent of handicapped

child in Seoul.

The study method used a structured quessionnaire for.

Parent Attitude Research Inventory (by Schaefer & Bell), Acceptance of self and others (by Beger) and Attitude toward Disabled People Scale (by Yuker, et al.) which was prepared to suit the purpose of this study.

The period for data collecting was from Sep. 27th to Oct. 16th, 1982.

Analysis of data utilized percentage, T-test, pearson correlation coefficients, ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression.

The results were as follows:

1. The following four hypothesis were tested, The first hypothesis, "The parent-child interaction and family adjustment are significantly correlated," was accepted. (r=.3326, p=.001)

The second hypothesis, "The mother's role negotiation and family adjustment are significantly correlated,' was accepted. (r=.2842, p=.005)

The third hypothesis, "The mother's acceptance of self and others and family adjustment are significantly correlated,' was accepted.(r=.2758, p=.003)

The fourth hypothesis, "The mother's attitude toward the disabled child and family adjustment are significantly correlated," was accepted.(r=.2969, p=.003)

2. The relation between the subject's general characteristics and the family adjustment, family's economic status was founded to be significant.(F=6.352, p<.001)

3. In use of stepwise multiple regression between family adjustment and family variables, it was found that

1) The factor "parent-child interaction" accounted for family adjustment in 11.06% of the sample. (F=9.9524, p<.01)

2) When the factor "mother's acceptance of self and others" was added to this, it accounted for 20.75% of family adjustment. (F=10.3471, p<.01)

3) When the factor "mother's attitude toward disabled child" was also included, it accounted for 24.64% of family adjustment. (F=8.4997, p<.01)

4) When the factor "mother's role negotiation" was included, it accounted for 25.64% of family adjustment.

This means that other factory appear to influence the family adjustment, since the combination of variables explain only 25.64% of the family adjustment.

In conclusion, the parent-child interaction, mother's role negotiation, mother's acceptance of self and others and mother's attitude toward the disabled child and the physically handicapped child's family adjustment were correlated in this study.

Further study to investigate the family variables for the family adjustment is necessary.
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