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일 남자고등학교 1.2학년의 건강행위 수행정도와 자아개념에 관한 연구

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 (An) empirical study of the relationship between students' health behavior performance and their self-concepts in a boys' high scho 
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의료복지사업의 확대와 더불어 지역사회간호사업에서는 간호대상자들이 자발적으로 자신의 건강관리를 위한 건강행위를 수행하도록 하는 것을 강조하게 되고 있다. 그러나 알고 있는 것과 행동하는 것 사이에는 상당한 차이가 있으므로 남자고등학교 학생들을 대상으로 그들의 건강행위수행정도를 알아보고 그들의 자아개념과의 관계를 알아보고자 하였다.

이러한 연구목적을 가지고, 서울 시내에 있는 한 고등학교 남자학생 1학년생 109명, 2학년생 115명, 도합 224명을 선정하여 연구대상으로 하였다. 예비적으로 타당도와 신뢰도를 검증하는 과정을 거쳐서 건강행위수행척도를 연구자가 제작하였고, 정원식제작의 자아개념검사와 같이 두 척도를 조사대상자에게 1985년11월 초에 실시하였다. 자료의 통계적 처리에 있어서는 백분율, 평균, 표준편차, 피어슨의 적률상관계수 그리고 평균치차의 t-검증 등을 산출하였다.

주요 발견사실을 요약하면 다음과 같다.

첫째, 연구대상자의 건강행위수행정도는 최대수치 5점 만점에서 정신건강행위는 3.49, 그리고 실체건강행위는 3.34이었다.

둘째, 학년간 건강행위수행정도의 차이는 건강행위수행정도와 신체건강행위수행정도에 있어서 2학년생이 1학년생 보다 높았으며, 그 평균치 차이는 5%선에서 통계적으로 의미가 있었다.

세째, 학년간 자아개념검사점수의 차이는 2학년생이 1학년생 보다 5%선에서 통계적으로 의미있게 높았다.

네째, 건강행위수행척도와 자아개념검사간의 피어슨 적률상관계수는 실질적으로 의미있는 정적상관계수를 나타냈으며, 계수는 0.1%선에서 통계적으로 의미가 있었다. (계수치는 0.625 이었다.)

다섯째, 자아개념검사점수가 높은 집단의 학생들의 건강행위수행정도도 높았는데, 집단간 평균치의 차이 검증결과는 통계적으로 5%선에서 의미가 있었다.

결론적으로 말하면 연구대상이 된 남자고등학생들의 건강행위수행정도는 좀 낮으나 그들의 건강행위 수행정도와 자아개념 검사결과간에는 실질적으로 정적인 상관관계가 있다.

그러므로, 앞으로 남자고등학생들의 건강행위에 대한 간호계획을 세울 때 자아개념을 올바르게 평가를 하도록 하고 자아개념을 높이어나 강화시키므로 그들이 좀 더 적극적으로 건강행위를 수행하도록 힘쓸 필요가 있다.


In contemporary community nursing, the clients are expected to perform their health behaviors on their own initiative in collaboration with community nurses' professional service as medical care services are expanded. In reality, however, there are discrepancies between the clients' awareness of the need for self-initiated health behaviors and their actual performance. Therefore, the present study was aimed at assessing their performance of the health behavior practices and its relationship With their self- concepts.

With regard to this, 226 male students which were consisted of 111 students of l0th grade and 115 students of 11th grade were selected as study subjects form a boys' high school located in the Metropolitan Seoul area. An Inventory of health Behavior Performance was developed by the present researcher through preliminary validation study to check its validity and reliability.

This inventory and the standardized Self-Concept Test developed by Won-shik Chung were administered to the study subjects in early November, 1985. In statistical anaysis of the data obtained, various statistics were calculated such as percentage, Mean score Standard Deviation, Pearson's Product moment correlation coefficient and t-test of the differences of the Mean scores.

The summary of the major findings of the study were as follows :

1. The degree of the subjects' health behavior performance was above average out of five point maximum score.

2. As to the students' health behavior performance by the grade level, students in 11th grade were higher than those of 10th grade in terms of the total score and sub-score of physical health behavior, and the difference of Mean scores was significant at 5% level.

3. As to the students' self-concept test scores, students in 11th grade were more positive than those of 10th grade and the difference of Mean score was significant at 0.1% level.

4. The correlation coefficient of the relationship between the students' health behavior performance and their self-concept test scores was proved to be substantially positive and the coefficient baa statistically significant at 0.1% level.

5. In an analystical account of the relationship between the students' health behavior performance and that of self-concept, it was proved that those students who obtain high scores in the self-concept test were also high in the inventory score of the helath behavior performance. And the difference of the group Mean

scores was proved to be statistically significant at 1% level. (r=0.625). In conclusion, it is proved that there is a substantial positive correlation between high school male students' health behavior performance and their self-concpet,

although their performance level of health behavior is not keep up to optimum standard. Therefore, it can be suggested that in the planning and development of community nursing intervention program a valid assessment of the clients' self-concept is necessary in order to strenghten their self-concept so that they can be motivated to activate their daily health behavior activities.
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