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최근 10년간 피부질환의 통계적 고찰 (1983 - 1992)

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 (A) statistical study of dermatoses during 1983-1992 
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피부질환의 발생과 분포양상은 환경적 요인뿐만 아니라 인구, 문화, 기후, 사회경제적 요인들에 의해 광범위하게 영향을 받는다. 피부질환의 발생과 분포양상을 규명하는데 있어서 전체 모집단을 대상으로 하기에는 많은 제약이 있으므로 대부분의 연구가사회집단

전체보다는 병원에 내원하는 환자를 대상으로 시행되어 왔다. 병원단위의 환자통계는 한 인구집단의 유병률이나 발생분포를 정확히 평가할 수는 없으나, 간접적으로 그 지역의 유병상태를 추구하는 수단으로 제시되어 왔다.

본 연구에서는 1983년 4월부터 1992년 12월까지 10턴간 영동세브란스병원 피부과 외래에 내원했던 신환(47,015명)을 대상으로 연도별, 월별, 질병별, 성별, 연령별 및 질환군별 분포를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 총 환자 수는 47,015명으로 남자 20,180명(42.9%), 여자 26,835명(57.1%)이었다.

2. 연령 별 분포는 많은 순서대로 20대(21.3%), 10세 이하(19.5%,), 30대(19.2%)로 전체의 60%였다.

3. 질환군별 분포상 습진성 피부질환(24.9%), 두드러기, 약진 및 홍반성 질환(13.2%), 피부 사상균증(10.7%), 피부 부속기 질환(10.1%), 바이러스 감염성 질환(10.1%), 색소성 질환(4.5%), 구진 인설성 질환(4.0%) 등의 순으로 많은 빈도를 보였고, 이는 전체 질환군의 78%를 차지하였다.

4. 빈도가 가장 높은 15개 질환은 피부 사상균증, 아토피 피부염, 두드러기, 원발성 접촉피부염, 심상성 여드름, 알레르기성 접촉피부염, 지루피부염, 기타 습진, 사마귀, 백반증, 약진, 대상포진, 건선, 세균 감염성 질환, 매독의 순이었다.

5. 연도별 분포상 지루 피부염, 사마귀, 백반증, 매독 등은 점차 증가하는 추세였으며, 피부 사상균증, 세균 감염성 질환 등은 감소하는 추세를 보였다.

6. 월별 분포상 피부 사상균증, 두드러기, 알레르기성 접촉 피부염, 백반증, 대상포진, 세균 감염성 질환 등은 7,8월(여름철)에 많은 경향이었고, 아토피 피부염, 건선 등은 1,2월(겨울철)에 많은 경향을 보였으며, 여드름과 사마귀는 겨울과 여름에 많은 경향을 보였다.

7.성별 분포상 여자에 많은 질환으로는 원발성 접촉피부염, 여드름, 알레르기성 접촉피부염 등이었다. 기타 질환에서는 성별에 따른 차이가 없었다.

8. 연령별 분포상 아토피 피부염, 세균 감염성 질환은 10세 이하에서, 사마귀, 백반증은 10대에서, 두드러기, 여드름, 알레르기성 접촉피부염, 약진, 건선, 매독은 20대에서, 피부 사상균증, 원발성 접촉피부염, 지루피부염, 기타 습진은 30대에서, 대상포진은 50대에서 가장 높은 빈도를 보였다.

9. 주거형태에 따른 분포상 단독주택 거주군 보다 아파트 거주군에서 더 높은 빈도를 보인 질환은 아토피 피부염과 전염성 연속종이었다.

10. 15세 이하의 소아환자에서 가장 흔한 10개 질환은 아토피 피부염, 두드러기, 접촉 피부염, 사마귀, 전염성 연속종, 세균 감염성 질환, 피부 사상균증, 백반증, 기타 바이러스 감염성 질환, 모반세포 모반이었고, 60세 이상의 노인환자에서는 피부 사상균증, 기타 습진, 두드러기, 대상포진, 소양증, 접촉피부염, 약진, 안성 단순 태선, 지루피부염, 백반증이었다.

이상의 결과로 서울 강남지역의 피부질환의 분포는 다른 지역의 저자들의 보고와 대체로 유사한 경향을 보였으며, 과거 시행한 연구결과와 비교해볼 때 동물기생충성 질환, 특히 개선이 현저히 감소된 것 외에는 비슷한 양상으로 나타났다.

A statistical study of dermatoses during 1983-1992

Sung Nam Chang

Department of Medical Science, The Graduate School, Yonsei University

(Directed by Associate Professor Seung Hun Lee)

47,015 new outpatients who visited the Yongdong Hospital foam 1983 to 1992were

analyzed statistically.

The study results are summarized as follows:

1. Among the 47,015 outpatients, the total number of male patients were

20,180(42.9%) and female patients 26,835(57.1%).

2. In age distribution, the most frequent age groups were 3rd decade(21.3%), 1st

decade(19.5%), and 4th decade(19.2%) amounting to 60% of the total outpatients.

3. The most common 15 dermatoses were dermatophytosis, atopic dermatitis,

urticaria, irritant contact dermatitis, acne vulgaris, allergic contact dermatitis,

seborrheic dermatitis, other eczemas, warts, vitiligo, drug eruption, herpes

zoster, psoriasis, bacterial infection, and syphilis.

4. Those dermatoses which showed increasing tendency annually were

seborrheicdermatitis, warts, vitiligo, and syphilis. Dermatophytosis and bacterial

infection showed decreasing tendency.

5. Seasonal distribution showed that those diseases occurring most frequently

during the summer were dermatophytosis, urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis,

vitiligo, herpes zoster, and bacterial infection. The incidence of atopic

dermatitis and psoriasis increased during the winter season.

6. In sexual distribution, acne, allergic contact dermatitis, and irritant

contact dermatitis were more frequent in females, and the remainding common

dermatoses did not show any difference.

7. In age distribution, atopic dermatitis arts bacterial infection were most

frequent in the 1st decade. Urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis. acne, drug

eruption, psoriasis, and syphilis were most frequent in the 3rd decade, with warts

and vitiligo in the 2nd decade, and herpes zoster in the 6th decade.

8. The distributions of dermatoses as disease groups, were eczema(24.9%),

urticaria-drug eruption (13.2%), dermatophytosis (10.7%), skin appendage

disorder(10.1%), viral infection(10.1%), pigmentary disorders(4.5%), and

papulosquamous diseases(4.0%) which constituted 78% of the total.

9. In patients dwelling in apartment atopic dermatitis and molluscum contagiosum

showed more frequent tendency in comparison to those living in house.

10. The most common 10 dermatoses among children were atopic dermatitis,

urticaria, contact deimatitis, molluscum contagiosum bacterial infection,

deimatophytosis, vitiligo, other vital inactions, and nevocellular nevi. On the

other hand, the most common 10 dermatoses among the old aged were dermatophytosis,

other eczema, urticaria, herpes zoster, pruritus, contact dermatitis, drug

eruption, lichen simplex chronicus, seborrheic dermatitis, and vitiligo.

In contrast to earlier published report from Scout, the infectous dermatoses,

especially parasitic infestation, showed decreasing tendency. The distribution

patters of the skin diseases was not different in comparison to other provinces of

Korea in general.


47,015 new outpatients who visited the Yongdong Hospital foam 1983 to 1992were analyzed statistically.

The study results are summarized as follows:

1. Among the 47,015 outpatients, the total number of male patients were 20,180(42.9%) and female patients 26,835(57.1%).

2. In age distribution, the most frequent age groups were 3rd decade(21.3%), 1st decade(19.5%), and 4th decade(19.2%) amounting to 60% of the total outpatients.

3. The most common 15 dermatoses were dermatophytosis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, irritant contact dermatitis, acne vulgaris, allergic contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, other eczemas, warts, vitiligo, drug eruption, herpes zoster, psoriasis, bacterial infection, and syphilis.

4. Those dermatoses which showed increasing tendency annually were seborrheicdermatitis, warts, vitiligo, and syphilis. Dermatophytosis and bacterial infection showed decreasing tendency.

5. Seasonal distribution showed that those diseases occurring most frequently during the summer were dermatophytosis, urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis, vitiligo, herpes zoster, and bacterial infection. The incidence of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis increased during the winter season.

6. In sexual distribution, acne, allergic contact dermatitis, and irritant contact dermatitis were more frequent in females, and the remainding common dermatoses did not show any difference.

7. In age distribution, atopic dermatitis arts bacterial infection were most frequent in the 1st decade. Urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis. acne, drug eruption, psoriasis, and syphilis were most frequent in the 3rd decade, with warts

and vitiligo in the 2nd decade, and herpes zoster in the 6th decade.

8. The distributions of dermatoses as disease groups, were eczema(24.9%), urticaria-drug eruption (13.2%), dermatophytosis (10.7%), skin appendage disorder(10.1%), viral infection(10.1%), pigmentary disorders(4.5%), and papulosquamous diseases(4.0%) which constituted 78% of the total.

9. In patients dwelling in apartment atopic dermatitis and molluscum contagiosum showed more frequent tendency in comparison to those living in house.

10. The most common 10 dermatoses among children were atopic dermatitis, urticaria, contact deimatitis, molluscum contagiosum bacterial infection, deimatophytosis, vitiligo, other vital inactions, and nevocellular nevi. On the other hand, the most common 10 dermatoses among the old aged were dermatophytosis,

other eczema, urticaria, herpes zoster, pruritus, contact dermatitis, drug eruption, lichen simplex chronicus, seborrheic dermatitis, and vitiligo.

In contrast to earlier published report from Scout, the infectous dermatoses, especially parasitic infestation, showed decreasing tendency. The distribution patters of the skin diseases was not different in comparison to other provinces of

Korea in general.
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