(A) study on the factors associated with compliances of orthdontic patient
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교정분야에 있어서 많은 신 재료와 좋은 mechanics의 발달이 이루어졌지만 여전히 환자의 협조가 문제가 되는 경우를 임상에서 흔히 대하게 된다. 이에, 환자의 협조도 중에서도 특히 치아이등과 직접적인 관계가 있다고 생각되어지는 교정치료의 순응도와 연관된
요인을 알아보기 위하여 254명의 교정치료중인 환자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다.
대상환자들은 11세에서 18세까지로 교정용 고무나 구외 악교정 장치를 사용중인 환자로서, 서울에 있는 5개의 교정전문클리닉에서 추출되었다. 설문지는 63개의 문항으로 구성되었으며, 총 13개의 심리적, 비 심리적인 요인으로 구성되었다. 또한, 환자의 순응도는 담
당 치과의사가 평가하도록 하여 이를 토대로 전체 조사된 대상자를 우수한 순응도, 보통의 순응도, 불량한 순응도의 3개 집단으로 나누었고, 각 요인이 순응도별 집단간에 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 알아보기 위하여 변량분석을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.
1. 순응도의 분포는 성별, 연령간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다.
2. 전체적으로 보아, 교정장치에 대한 태도의 요인이 순응도에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타나, 교정장치에 대한 태도가 좋을수록 우수한 순응도를 나타내었다.
3. 그 외, 저 연령(11-12세)군에서는 치료와 연관된 통증이나 불편감이 순응도를 나쁘게 하는 요인으로 나타났다.
4. 이에 반하여, 고 연령(16-18세)군에서는 성취동기와 개인역할기대 및 부모와의 관계의 요인이 순응도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나, 성취동기가 높을수록, 자신의 역할을 잘 인식할수록 또한 부모-자녀의 관계가 온정적이고 자율적 일수록 우수한 순응도를 나타내었다.
A Study on the Factors Associated With Compliances of orthdontic patient
Eun Joo Han,D.D.S.
Department of Dental Science, Graduate School, Yonsei University
(Directed by Professor Young Kyu Ryu, D.D.S.,ph.D.)
In orthodontic field, although lots of new materials have been developed and many
mechanics introduced, we can face the case patient cooperation still remain a
problem to solve. So, factors related to the compliance of 254 adolescent
orthodontic patients using intraoral elastic or extraoral orthopedic appliances
were under investigation. The study subjects were 11 to 18 years old and from 5
exclusive orthodonitc clinics in Seoul. The subjects were asked to fill a
questionnaire and compliances were evaluated by their assigned orthodontists. The
questionnaire was consisted of 63 questions, and they represent 13 factors - 7
psychological & 6 nonpsychological factors. The collected data were analyzed using
ANOVA test between the compliance group and the factors.
1. The compliances were evenly distributed in both sex and age groups.
2. As a whole, it was found that the Attitude towards appliances factor affected
the degree of compliance.
3. Besides that, in younger(11-12) age group, Pain and discomfort associated with
treatment factor was also found to be related to the degree of compliance.
4. On the contrary, in older(16-18) age group, the degree of compliance was
influenced by the factor of Achievement motivation, Role expectation, Parental
In orthodontic field, although lots of new materials have been developed and many mechanics introduced, we can face the case patient cooperation still remain a problem to solve. So, factors related to the compliance of 254 adolescent orthodontic patients using intraoral elastic or extraoral orthopedic appliances were under investigation. The study subjects were 11 to 18 years old and from 5 exclusive orthodonitc clinics in Seoul. The subjects were asked to fill a questionnaire and compliances were evaluated by their assigned orthodontists. The questionnaire was consisted of 63 questions, and they represent 13 factors - 7 psychological & 6 nonpsychological factors. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA test between the compliance group and the factors.
1. The compliances were evenly distributed in both sex and age groups.
2. As a whole, it was found that the Attitude towards appliances factor affected the degree of compliance.
3. Besides that, in younger(11-12) age group, Pain and discomfort associated with treatment factor was also found to be related to the degree of compliance.
4. On the contrary, in older(16-18) age group, the degree of compliance was influenced by the factor of Achievement motivation, Role expectation, Parental relationship.