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건강행위 이행자와 비이행자의 자아개념 건강통제위성격특성 건강상태와의 비교 연구 : 일부대학생을 중심으로

Other Titles
 (A) study comparing college students compliant and non-compliant in health behavior ralated to self-concept, health locus of control, and heal 
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본 연구는 일생중 가장 건강한 시기로 자칫 건강에 무관해지기 쉽고 건강의 가치를 망각하기 쉬운 대학시기에 학생 스스로 건강 주체자가 되어 건강에 관심을 가지고 일생을 건강하게 지낼 수 있도록 돕기 위하여 건강검진을 받는 행위를 건강행위로 조작한 후 건강행위이행자와 비이행자 사이의 차이점을 규명하여 대학생들의 건강관리지도 및 건강교육에 기초자료를 마련코저 본 연구를 시도하게 되었다.

연구대상은 수원시에 위치한 K대학교 학생들로 이들중 자발적으로 1988년도 정기건강검진에 참여하여 연구에 참여할 것을 수락한 199명을 이행자로 하였고 비이행자는 교련및 보건학을 수강하는 2학년 학생중 건강검진을 받지 않은 학생으로 연구에 참여할 것을 수락한 228명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료수집기간은 1988년4월13일부터 22일까지 공휴일을 제외한 8일간이었다.

연구도구는 구조화된 질문지를 사용하였다. 자아개념 측정도구는 최정훈이 개발한 지각향성조사도구로 인지적자아를 측정하였으며 평가적 자아는 Resenberg의 Self-Esteem측정도구를 사용하였다. 건강통제워 성격특성을 측정하기 위래서 K.A. Wallston and B.S Wall

ston이 개발한 다차원건강통제위 성향척도를 사용하였으며 건강상태측정도구로는 Brodman과 그의 동료들이 개발한 건강조사표(Cornell Medical Index)를 한국의 남호창이 간이화

한 C.M.I. 간이 건강조사표를 사용하였다.

수집된 자료는 SPSS를 이용하여 전산처리하였고 백분율, X**2 _test,1-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient등의 통계방법을 사용하여 자료를 분석하였다.

본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.

제1가설:"건강행위이행자는 비이행자보다 자아개념이 높을 것이다."는 채택되었다(t=2.29, p<0.05).

제2가설:"건강행위이행자는 비이행자보다 내적통제위 성향을 보일 것이다"는 기각되었다(t=0.84, p>0.05).

제3가설:"건강행위이행자는 비이행자보다 건강상태가 좋을 것이다"는 기각되었다(t=-1.28, p>0.05).

제변수 상관성에 있어서는 자아개념과 내적통제위 성향과는 정상관관계를 보였고(r=.3108, p<0.01), 건강상태와 자아개념은 역상관관계를 보였으며(r=-.3851, p<0.01), 내적통제위 성향과 건강상태와도 역상관관계(r=-.1701, p<0.01)를 보였다. 이는 건강상태가 좋을수록 자아개념이 높고 내적통제위성향 점수가 높을수록 건강상태가 좋으며 자아개념이 높을수록 내적통제위성향을 보이는 것을 의미한다

본 연구결과를 종합해볼 때,

자아개념만이 건강행위이행에 영향을 주는 변수로 나타난 결과는 대상자가 고학력자이고 일생중 가장 좋은 건강상태를 지닐 수 있는 시기인 청소년 후기에 국한시켰기에 나타난 현상이 아닌가 사료된다. 그러므로 대상을 확대해서 계속적인 연구가 요구된다.

A Study Comparing College Students Compliant and Non-Compliant in Health Behavior

Related to Self-Concept, Health Locus of Control, and Health Status.

Han, Ok Ja

Dept. of Nursing Education Graduate School of Education Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Cho. Won Jung, D.Sc.)

Periodic health examination and early case finding is a fundamental project to

promote the personal health and to establish good health.

According to the ordinance of the Ministry of Education No.446(dated July 25,

1979), each school must provide general health examination every year to determine

the health status of each student and to detect the present health status or any

impairment of health.

Regardless of the importance of this health project, students' participation rate

is very 1ow in many colleges and Universities because of the students ignorance of

negligence of health and health behavior.

The author. as a university school health nurse and for the purpose of

establishing criterion for school health service and promoting health education,

conducted a survey comparision study of Self-Concept, Health Locus of Control anti

Health Status between students with compliant and with non-compliant health


The Subjects for this study were 199 compliant students who took part in the

health examination voluntary in 1988, and agreed to participate if this study and

228 non-compliant student who were informed of the health examination during

military drill or public health classes but did next participate if the health

examination. They also agreed to take part in this study. A11 of the subjects were

students of Kyonggi University.

The period for data collection was from 17th to 22th April 1988.

The study method used was a structured questionaire. The instrument was composed

of (1) A part of Jung Hoon Choi's Perception Scale for self-perception in college

students. (2) Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale for measuring co11ege students

evaluation of self-esteem. (3) Wallston and Walston's mutidimentional Health Locus

of control Scale for measuring locus of control in college students. (4) Cornell

Medical Index (C.M.I.) designed by Bradman and modified by nam. Ho Chang for

evalating health status.

The collected data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, t-test,

X**2 _-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The results of this study are summarized as follow:

The First Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a higher self-concept

than the compliant students" was accepted. (t=2.29. p<0.05)

2. The Second Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a higher health Locus

of control-internal than the non-compliant students" was rejected.(t=0.84. p〉0.05)

3. The Third Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a better health status

than non-compliant students" was rejected.(t= -1.28, P〉0.05)

In conclusion, these show that self-concept was a variable related to health

behavior in compliance. But there was no significant differences between compliant

and non-compliant students to health locus of control-internal and health status.

In the correlation among the variables:

It was found that self-concept an? health locus of control-internal of college

students were positively correlated, (r=.3108. P〈O.01) health locus of control

internal and health status were negatively correlated, (r= -.1701, P〈O.01) health

status and self-concept of co11ege students was negatively correlated. (r= -.3851.


These show that the higher the self-concept, the better the health status, that

the higher the score of health locus of control-internal, the better health. status

and that the higher the self-concept, the higher the score of hea1th locus of


The finding may have been a result of the sample being made up of young people

who are educated and who are if a good state of health. So the writer would like to

extend the method to a larger and more varied group of people to further verify the



Periodic health examination and early case finding is a fundamental project to promote the personal health and to establish good health.

According to the ordinance of the Ministry of Education No.446(dated July 25, 1979), each school must provide general health examination every year to determine the health status of each student and to detect the present health status or any

impairment of health.

Regardless of the importance of this health project, students' participation rate is very 1ow in many colleges and Universities because of the students ignorance of negligence of health and health behavior.

The author. as a university school health nurse and for the purpose of establishing criterion for school health service and promoting health education, conducted a survey comparision study of Self-Concept, Health Locus of Control anti Health Status between students with compliant and with non-compliant health


The Subjects for this study were 199 compliant students who took part in the health examination voluntary in 1988, and agreed to participate if this study and 228 non-compliant student who were informed of the health examination during military drill or public health classes but did next participate if the health

examination. They also agreed to take part in this study. A11 of the subjects were students of Kyonggi University.

The period for data collection was from 17th to 22th April 1988.

The study method used was a structured questionaire. The instrument was composed of (1) A part of Jung Hoon Choi's Perception Scale for self-perception in college students. (2) Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale for measuring co11ege students

evaluation of self-esteem. (3) Wallston and Walston's mutidimentional Health Locus of control Scale for measuring locus of control in college students. (4) Cornell Medical Index (C.M.I.) designed by Bradman and modified by nam. Ho Chang for

evalating health status.

The collected data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, t-test, X**2 _-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The results of this study are summarized as follow:

The First Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a higher self-concept than the compliant students" was accepted. (t=2.29. p<0.05)

2. The Second Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a higher health Locus of control-internal than the non-compliant students" was rejected.(t=0.84. p〉0.05)

3. The Third Hypothesis: "The compliant students will have a better health status than non-compliant students" was rejected.(t= -1.28, P〉0.05)

In conclusion, these show that self-concept was a variable related to health behavior in compliance. But there was no significant differences between compliant and non-compliant students to health locus of control-internal and health status.

In the correlation among the variables:

It was found that self-concept an? health locus of control-internal of college students were positively correlated, (r=.3108. P〈O.01) health locus of control internal and health status were negatively correlated, (r= -.1701, P〈O.01) health

status and self-concept of co11ege students was negatively correlated. (r= -.3851. P〈O.01)

These show that the higher the self-concept, the better the health status, that the higher the score of health locus of control-internal, the better health. status and that the higher the self-concept, the higher the score of hea1th locus of


The finding may have been a result of the sample being made up of young people who are educated and who are if a good state of health. So the writer would like to extend the method to a larger and more varied group of people to further verify the results.
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