(An) experimental study of marginal distortion related to various alloys in ceramo-metal restorations
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도재 용착시에 야기되는 금속관의 변형은 결국 도재용착주조금관이 완성된 후 치아에 적합성을 불량하게 한다. 이와같은 변형을 방지하기 위해서는 금속관의 강성의 개선이 필요하다.
본 연구의 목적은 물리적 성질이 상이한 금 합금, 은-팔라듐 합금 및 두 종류의 니켈-크로뮴 합금 4종류를 선택하여 도재 용착시 금속관의 치경부 변연에서 야기되는 변형의 양을 비교하고자 하였다.
이에 저자는 각 합금 종류에 따라 5개씩의 도재용착주조금관을 위한 금속관을 주조한 후, 치경부 변연에서 순설측과 근원심측으로의 거리를 Universal measuring microscope를 사용하여 측정한 것을 기준으로 하여 degassing후 및 도재 용착 후에 각기 재측정하여
치경부 변연에서의 변형량을 합금 종류에 따라 비교했고, 니켈-크로뮴합금 경우에는 금속관의 금속 두께를 0.5mm 이외에 0.2mm로 감소시켜 제작하여 0.5mm두께로 제작한 군과 변형량을 비교한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
1. 모든 금속관은 도재 용착 후, 치경부 변연의 변형을 초래했고, 순설측 및 근원심측에서의 변형은 모두 수축하는 경향을 보였다.
2. 금속관의 veneered area의 금속 두께를 0.5mm로 제작했을때, 도재 용착 후 순설측에서의 수축 변형은 Degudent G에 비해 JP92, Verabond와 RexilliumⅢ가 적은 양으로 나타났으며, Verabond와 RexilliumⅢ의 두께를 0.2nm로 하였을 때는 Degudent G의 변형량과
비교시 별차이가 없었다.
3. 도재 용착 후 JP92. Verabond와 RexilliumⅢ에서 근원심측의 수축 변형량은 Degudent G에 비해 변형량이 적었다.
Dong Hoo Han, D.D.S.
Dept. of Dental Science, The Graduate School, Yonsei University.
(Directed by Associate Prof. Ho Yong Lee, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.)
Although castings suitable for veneering with porcelain can be made with the same
precision as any other, baking the porcelain veneer presents additional distortion
in the final restoration. So, it does not always fit as well after the application
of the porcelain veneer. To ensure resistance to such a distortion, it is necessary
to improve the rigidity of the metal coping.
The purpose of this study was to compare the susceptibility to marginal distotion
of each of the various ceramo-metal alloys.
Materials used in this experiment were four kinds of precious, semi-precious, and
non-precious ceramo-metal alloys, and Ceramco vaccum-fired porcelain.
The author made five metal copings in each alloy and the porcelain was fired on
each metal coping by the method to be recommended by the manufacturers. In addition
to that, metal thickness of the veneered area decreased to 0.2mm in case of metal
copings made of two kinds of nonprecious alloy.
Measurements were made labiolingual diameter and mesiodistal diameter with
Universal measuring microscope and recorded at 3 stages; (1) before any firing
procedures, (2) following degassing,(3) following final glazing. The obtained
result could be summarized in the followings ;
1. On all metal copings evaluated in this study, distortion of cervical margin
was shown after porcelain was fired, and there was a tendency to decrease the
labiolingual and mesiodistal diameters.
2. In case of metal thickness of the veneered area was 0.5mm, metal copings made
of JP 92, Verabond, and Rexillium Ⅲ exhibited significantly less marginal
distortion than Degudent G, and with 0.2mm in thickness, distortion of Verabond,
and Rexillium Ⅲ were similar to Degudent G in labiolingual diameter after
porcelain was fired.
3. Metal copings made of JP 92, Verabond, and Rexillium Ⅲ exhibited
significantly less marginal distortion than Degudent G in mesiodistal diameter
after porcelain was fired.
Although castings suitable for veneering with porcelain can be made with the same precision as any other, baking the porcelain veneer presents additional distortion in the final restoration. So, it does not always fit as well after the application of the porcelain veneer. To ensure resistance to such a distortion, it is necessary to improve the rigidity of the metal coping.
The purpose of this study was to compare the susceptibility to marginal distotion of each of the various ceramo-metal alloys.
Materials used in this experiment were four kinds of precious, semi-precious, and non-precious ceramo-metal alloys, and Ceramco vaccum-fired porcelain.
The author made five metal copings in each alloy and the porcelain was fired on each metal coping by the method to be recommended by the manufacturers. In addition to that, metal thickness of the veneered area decreased to 0.2mm in case of metal copings made of two kinds of nonprecious alloy.
Measurements were made labiolingual diameter and mesiodistal diameter with Universal measuring microscope and recorded at 3 stages; (1) before any firing procedures, (2) following degassing,(3) following final glazing. The obtained
result could be summarized in the followings ;
1. On all metal copings evaluated in this study, distortion of cervical margin was shown after porcelain was fired, and there was a tendency to decrease the labiolingual and mesiodistal diameters.
2. In case of metal thickness of the veneered area was 0.5mm, metal copings made of JP 92, Verabond, and Rexillium Ⅲ exhibited significantly less marginal distortion than Degudent G, and with 0.2mm in thickness, distortion of Verabond, and Rexillium Ⅲ were similar to Degudent G in labiolingual diameter after porcelain was fired.
3. Metal copings made of JP 92, Verabond, and Rexillium Ⅲ exhibited significantly less marginal distortion than Degudent G in mesiodistal diameter after porcelain was fired.