(A) study of relationship between health locus of control and health promotion of the elderly
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본 연구는 노인의 건강통제위 성격과 건강증진행위를 파악하고, 두 변수사이의 관계를 살펴보기 위한 서술적 상관관계 연구이다.
연구의 대상은 일개 지역의 가정, 노인정, 공원에서 만날 수 있는 65세 이상의 노인들 중에서 편의추출한 159명이다.
연구도구로 건강통제위를 측정하기 위해 Wallston & Wallston이 개발한 다차원 건강통제위 척도(Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale)를 사용하였고, 건강증진행위를 측정하기 위해서는 Walker, Sechrist & Pender가 개발한 건강증진행위 척도(Health
Promotion Lifestyle Profile)를 수정하여 사용하였다.
자료수집 기간은 1991년 10월 23일부터 11월 6일 까지 총 15일 간이었으며 구조화된 질문지를 가지고 연구자와 연구보조원 1인의 면접에 의하여 자료를 수집하였다.
자료분석은 SPSS를 이용하여 일반적 특성은 실수와 백분율로 나타냈으며, 건강통제위와 건강증진행위의 관계는 Pearson 적률상관관계로 분석하였으며, 일반적 특성에 따른 건강
증진행위의 차이는 t-test와 ANOVA로 분석하였다.
본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.
1. 대상자들의 건강통제위는 내적 건강통제위 (평균 17.60, 표준 편차 3.11)가 가장 높았고 우연성 건강통제위 (평균 16.96, 표준 편차 2.98), 타인의존적 건강통제위 (평균 16.63, 표준편차 3.76)의 순서였다.
2. 대상자들의 건강증진행위는 최대 평점 4점에 대해 평균 2.46, 표준편차 0.36이었고, 대인관계지지, 영양, 자아실현은 평균보다 높았고, 스트레스 관리, 건강책임, 운동이 평균보다 낮았다.
4. 대상자의 일반적 특성 중에서 연령(P<.05), 성별(P<.001), 결혼상태(P<.001), 교육수준(P<.001), 용돈액수(P<.01), 동거현황(P<.05), 직업유무(P<.05)가 건강증진행위와 유의한 상관관계를 보였다.
이상의 연구에서 노인의 건강통제위는 내적 건강통제위가 가장 높았고, 생활양식을 통한 건강증진행위의 수행에서는 스트레스 관리, 건강책임, 운동의 영역들이 낮게 나타났다. 또한 내적 건강통제위와 타인의존적 건강행위는 건강증진행위와 순상관관계를 나타내었고 성별, 결혼상태, 교육수준, 용돈액수, 동거현황, 직업유무에서 건강증진행위와 차이를 나타냈다.
그러므로 노인 건강을 담당해야 할 간호사들은 노인들의 건강증진행위와 관계가 있는 타인의존적 건강통제위 성격에서 영향력을 발휘하여 연령이 많고, 배우자가 없으며, 교육정도가 낮고 혼자 사는 취약점이 많은 노인들의 건강증진행위 수행을 지원하여 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있다고 본다.
A Study of Relationship between Health Locus of Control and Health Promotion of the
Pyo, Ji Sook
Department of Nursing The Graduate School Yonsei University
Directed by professor Cho, Won Jung, R.N. Ph.D.
A demographic research was conducted to investigate the relationship between
health locus of control and healthy life style of the elderly. Our convenience
sample space consists of 159 persons with the age over 65, whom can be easily met
in households, pavilions for the aged, and parks. The aged persons of the sample
space had been interviewed using a structured questionnaire from October 23 to
November 6 in 1991. The data collected from interviews were analyzed using the
statistics package SPSS, yielding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation,
t-test, ANOVA, Pearsons's Product Moment Correlation. Health locus of control and
health promotion were measured by using the MHLC scale and a modified HPLP scale
respectively. Healthiness of life style is parameterized by nutrition, exercise,
stress management, self actualization, health responsibility, and internal support.
We found out that health focus of control is the dominating factor of health
promotion. The result of our data analysis showed that internal and external health
locus of controls are positively associated with life style practices, while chance
health locus of control is negatively associated with life style practice. In
1. Among the components of health locus of control, internal health locus of
control showed the highest score (mean: 17.60, standard deviation: 3.11).
Chance health locus of control followed next wish the mean of 16.96 and the
standard deviation of 2.98. Powerful ethers health locus of control showed the mean
of 16.63 and the standard deviation of 3.76.
2. The HPLP mean score and the standard deviation of the practice of health
promotion behavior were 2.46 and 0.36 respectively.
3. HPLP correlated positively with internal health locus of control (r=.37, P
<.001) and powerful others locus of control (r=.40, P<.001). However, HPLP
inversely correlated with chance locus of control (r=.20, P<.01).
4. The demographic variables representing age (P<.05), sex (P<.001), marital
status (P<.001), education (P<.001), pocket money (P<.01), living situation
(P<.05), and employment (P<.05) showed strong connections to health promotion
Therefore, understanding the factors influencing life style practice of the
elderly can help nurses with predicting which individuals are most likely to accept
self responsibility for healthy life style. Nurses should consider health locus of
control when they take care of the elderly to improve health promotion behavior. It
is also required to develop programs and environments encouraging the practice of
health promotion behavior.
A demographic research was conducted to investigate the relationship between health locus of control and healthy life style of the elderly. Our convenience sample space consists of 159 persons with the age over 65, whom can be easily met
in households, pavilions for the aged, and parks. The aged persons of the sample space had been interviewed using a structured questionnaire from October 23 to November 6 in 1991. The data collected from interviews were analyzed using the
statistics package SPSS, yielding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearsons's Product Moment Correlation. Health locus of control and health promotion were measured by using the MHLC scale and a modified HPLP scale
respectively. Healthiness of life style is parameterized by nutrition, exercise,stress management, self actualization, health responsibility, and internal support.
We found out that health focus of control is the dominating factor of health promotion. The result of our data analysis showed that internal and external health locus of controls are positively associated with life style practices, while chance
health locus of control is negatively associated with life style practice. In detail;
1. Among the components of health locus of control, internal health locus of control showed the highest score (mean: 17.60, standard deviation: 3.11).
Chance health locus of control followed next wish the mean of 16.96 and the standard deviation of 2.98. Powerful ethers health locus of control showed the mean of 16.63 and the standard deviation of 3.76.
2. The HPLP mean score and the standard deviation of the practice of health promotion behavior were 2.46 and 0.36 respectively.
3. HPLP correlated positively with internal health locus of control (r=.37, P <.001) and powerful others locus of control (r=.40, P<.001). However, HPLP inversely correlated with chance locus of control (r=.20, P<.01).
4. The demographic variables representing age (P<.05), sex (P<.001), marital status (P<.001), education (P<.001), pocket money (P<.01), living situation (P<.05), and employment (P<.05) showed strong connections to health promotion behavior.
Therefore, understanding the factors influencing life style practice of the elderly can help nurses with predicting which individuals are most likely to accept self responsibility for healthy life style. Nurses should consider health locus of
control when they take care of the elderly to improve health promotion behavior. It is also required to develop programs and environments encouraging the practice of health promotion behavior.