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입원이 불안감(stress)으로서 환자에게 미치는 영향에 관한 일 연구

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 (A) study of stress factors experienced by the hospitalized patients 
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A Study of Stress factors Experienced by the Hospitalized Patients

Choi, Ok Shin

Department of Nursing Graduate School of Yonsei University

(Directed by Dr. Chun, San Cho)

As the hospitalized patients will be facing new stress situation due to change of

his environment from home to hospital, it will be very important to understand the

psychological stress experienced by hospital patients not only for helping patients

in the process of recovery from illness but also fulfilling the objective of

comprehensive nursing care by understanding the needs of the patients. There is no

doubt that it would be very helpful for treatment of patients as well as for

improvement of nursing care if we know more about psychological needs of patients

and give them adequate support to meet these needs.

The study to find out the causes and degree of stress events experienced by

hospitalized patients, with the objective of instituting improvement of nursing

care program based on the needs of patients, was conducted during the month of

September 1974 with 60 patients randomly selected from those admitted to medical

and surgical wards at Yonsei Medical Center in that period.

The questionnaire from included 36 questions which are considered to be stress

events for hospital patients, and was devided into five areas namely, such events

related to 1) disease itself, 2) hospital environment, 3) nursing care and

treatment, 4) communication and human relations, and 5) family and economic


The results of the study were as follows:

1. it was confirmed that hospitalization considered to be a stress producing

factor and most patients perceived the admission to hospital as a stress factor.

2. According to the rating scale, it was found that degree of perceived stress

shows a variation according to the source of stress producing event.

3. No significant difference in the mean values were observed statistically with

the perceived stress levels according to demograpgic and other variables of

patients related to hospitalization.

4. Among the questions related to disease itself, "Admission for surgery"was

perceived most frequently as stress event (97.14%) by patients.

5. With regard to the questions related to hospital environment, "death of the

patient roommate: was the most serious stress event perceived by patients (90%)and

"living with hospital regulations: was considered to be less serious stress event


6. As for the questions related to nursing care and treatment, "limitation of

freedom" was perceived as a stress factor most frequently (70.91%) by the patients

and "worry for wrong treatment" turned out to be less frequent stress event


7. As for the questions related to communication and human relations, "difficulty

to be the most frequent stress event by the respondents (75.86%), followed by "no

explanation about treatment or examination" (75.0%) and "no explanation about

nursing care procedures" (71.66%).

8. With regard to the questions related to family and economic problems,

"inadequate finances for family living due to hospitalization" and "high cost of

hospitalization" were the most frequent cause of stress mentioned by the


9. As a result of application of the stepwise regression analysis, it was found

that about 89% was explained by those events associated with disease itself,

hospital environment and family and economic problems. By adding those events

related to "nursing care and treatment" and "communication and human relations",

100% of stress associated with hospitalization was explained.


As the hospitalized patients will be facing new stress situation due to change of his environment from home to hospital, it will be very important to understand the psychological stress experienced by hospital patients not only for helping patients

in the process of recovery from illness but also fulfilling the objective of comprehensive nursing care by understanding the needs of the patients. There is no doubt that it would be very helpful for treatment of patients as well as for improvement of nursing care if we know more about psychological needs of patients and give them adequate support to meet these needs.

The study to find out the causes and degree of stress events experienced by hospitalized patients, with the objective of instituting improvement of nursing care program based on the needs of patients, was conducted during the month of September 1974 with 60 patients randomly selected from those admitted to medical and surgical wards at Yonsei Medical Center in that period.

The questionnaire from included 36 questions which are considered to be stress events for hospital patients, and was devided into five areas namely, such events related to 1) disease itself, 2) hospital environment, 3) nursing care and treatment, 4) communication and human relations, and 5) family and economic


The results of the study were as follows:

1. it was confirmed that hospitalization considered to be a stress producing factor and most patients perceived the admission to hospital as a stress factor.

2. According to the rating scale, it was found that degree of perceived stress shows a variation according to the source of stress producing event.

3. No significant difference in the mean values were observed statistically with the perceived stress levels according to demograpgic and other variables of patients related to hospitalization.

4. Among the questions related to disease itself, "Admission for surgery"was perceived most frequently as stress event (97.14%) by patients.

5. With regard to the questions related to hospital environment, "death of the patient roommate: was the most serious stress event perceived by patients (90%)and "living with hospital regulations: was considered to be less serious stress event (23.33%).

6. As for the questions related to nursing care and treatment, "limitation of freedom" was perceived as a stress factor most frequently (70.91%) by the patients and "worry for wrong treatment" turned out to be less frequent stress event (50.0%).

7. As for the questions related to communication and human relations, "difficulty to be the most frequent stress event by the respondents (75.86%), followed by "no explanation about treatment or examination" (75.0%) and "no explanation about

nursing care procedures" (71.66%).

8. With regard to the questions related to family and economic problems, "inadequate finances for family living due to hospitalization" and "high cost of hospitalization" were the most frequent cause of stress mentioned by the patients(80.0%).

9. As a result of application of the stepwise regression analysis, it was found that about 89% was explained by those events associated with disease itself, hospital environment and family and economic problems. By adding those events related to "nursing care and treatment" and "communication and human relations", 100% of stress associated with hospitalization was explained.
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