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Alloxan으로 유도된 당뇨백서의 골격근 및 혈액내 아미노산 변동에 관한 연구

Other Titles
 (A) study on the changes of amino acid concentrations in plasma and skeletal muscle of alloxan diabetic rats 
Issue Date

당뇨병에 이환된 동물은 혈중 아미노산 농도가 변화한다는 사실이 잘 알려져있다. 또 당뇨병에서 간장과 근육에서 몇가지 아미노산의 유출량에 대한 연구보고와 insulin등의 호르몬이 아미노산의 유출량 및 혈중농도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구보고가 있으나 당뇨

병과 insulin이 미치는 혈중 아미노산과 근육 아미노산 농도으 l상호관계를 구명한 연구보고는 아직 없다. 이에 본인은 175g 내외의 웅성 백서를 대조군과 당뇨군으로 나누어 혈장 및 근육 아미노산의 농도를 정량분석하고 각군 insulin을 투여하여 insulin이 혈장 및

근육 아미노산 농도에 미치는 영향을 실험 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.

1. 대조군과 당뇨백서군을 11일간 시판 배합사료로 사육한 결과 대조군은 평균 체중이 약 20g 증가한 반면 당뇨군은 약 45g 감소하였다. 백서를 사육한지 15일후에 대조군과 당뇨군에 각각 saline과 insulin을 매일 오전 8시에, saline은 0.5ml, insulin은 insulin 1 unit를 saline 0.5ml에 희석하여 피하주사한 후 체중을 측정한 결과 각군에 saline을 투여한 경우와 대조군에 insulin을 투여한 경우에는 21일까지 체중의 변화가 별로 없었으나 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여한 경우 평균 체중이 약 37g 증가하였다.

2. Alloxan 처치 3일후에 혈당은 256±11.1 mg%로 대조군의 혈당치 119±11.0 mg%에 비해 2배이상 증가하였다. 대조군과 당뇨군에 매일 1 unit씩 insulin을 투여한 결과 15일에 혈당은 대조군이 66±3.2 mg%, 당뇨군은 90±6.6 mg%로 insulin에 의해 혈당이 감소되었다.

이상 1,2 결과로 당뇨군의 실험적 지표가 되는 체중 및 혈당이 이런 조건에 있는 상태에서 insulin에 반응조건이 되는 사실을 확인하였다.

3. 혈장내 taurine 농도는 대조군에 비해 당뇨군에서 증가되었으며 대조군에 insulin을 투여하면 taurine 농도는 증가하고 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여하면 증가된 raurine은 대조군치로 환원되었다. 근육 taurine 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군에 비해 낮았고 양 군은 insuli

n에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다. 혈장 cystine 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군에 비해 낮았고 대조군에 insulin을 투여한 경우 cystine 농도는 낮아지나 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여하면 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 근육 cystine 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군보다 높았고 대조군에 insulin을 투여하면 cystine 양이 증가하나 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여하면 감소되는 경향을 보였다.

4. 혈장 urea 및 ornithine 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군보다 높았다. 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여하면 혈장 urea 농도는 대조군치로 회복되나 대조군에 insulin 투여로 urea 및 ornithine 농도는 영향을 받지 않았다.

5. 혈장 glutamine 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군에 비해 낮으며 각 군에 insulinxn여로 별 영향이 없었다. 혈장내 alanine 농도는 대조군에 비해 당뇨군이 높았고 양 군에 insulin을 투여하면 양 군에서 모두 증가되었다. 근육 alanine 농도 역시 혈장과 마찬가지로 당뇨군이 대조군에 비해 다소 높았으며 각 군에 insulin을 투여해도 별 변화가 없었다.

6. 혈장 branched chain 아미노산 농도는 당뇨군이 대조군보다 증가되었고 당뇨군에 insulin을 투여한 경우 대조군치로 회복되고 대조군에 insulin을 투여해도 농도에 별 양향이 없었다. 근육내 branched chain 아미노산 농도는 valine의 경우를 제외하고 당뇨군이

대조군보다 낮았으며 insulin에 의한 농도 변화는 없었다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 당뇨군과 대조군에서 혈장 및 근육조직내 아미노산 혈장내 농도가 높으면 근육내 농도가 낮고 혈장내 농도가 낮으면 근육내 농도가 높은 밀접한 상호관계를 가지고 서로 변동되는 것으

로 사료되며 insulin 투여로 이런 현상이 회복내지 근육내 변동이 없는 것은 단백질 합성에 의한 결과로 사료된다.

A Study on the Changes of Amino Acid Concentrations in Plasma and Skeletal Muscle of

Alloxan Diabetic Rats

Soo Jeon Choi

Department of Medical Science, The Graduate School, Yonsei University

(Directed by Prof. Yoon Soo Kim, M.D.,Ph.D.)

Measurements of amino acid levels in plasma and skeletal muscle of alloxan

diabetic rats fasted for 18 hours were compared with those of control and insulin

treated groups. The plasma taurine levels rose with the onset of diabetes (from 3rd

day to 21st day) and these levels returned to control levels upon insulin treatment

on day 15 but no significant changes were observed in insulin treated control

group. In contrast, plasma cystine levels which are known to be precursors for

taurine biosynthesis were reduced in diabetic group as compared to control group

and upon insulin treatment, plasma cystine levels in control group were reduced

whereas those indiabetic rats were increased. Muscle cystine levels in diabetic

group were higher than those of control group and insulin treatment of control

group caused rise in cystine levels but these levels were tended to be reduced in

diabetic group. Plasma urea and ornithine which were derived from urea cycle, were

increased in alloxan diabetic rats. Plasma glutamine levels were decreased at 7th

day after alloxan treatment but these levels did not return to the control level by

insulin treatment until day 15, and the effect of insulin on glutamine levels were

inconsistent with other amino acids. Plasma alanine levels were higher in diabetic

group and were increased both in control and diabetic groups by insulin treatment.

Muscle alanine levels were also higher in diabetic group. These results suggest

that excess ammonia from tissue protein degradation in diabetic rats would be

disposed through alanine and glutamine to urea cycle. The levels of plasma branched

chain amino acids, valine, isoleucine and leucine, were higher in diabetic group

while those of muscle levels were tended to be decreased and insulin treatment of

alloxan groups led to decrease in plasma branched chain amino acid levels although

insulin treated control groups were not affected at all, however, the effects of

insulin on branched chain amino acid levels in muscle were not remarkable both on

control and diabetic rats indicating that the degradation of muscle protein was

prevented by insulin in alloxan diabetic group. These results revealed that the

amino acid levels in plasma and muscle showed inverse relationship both in control

and diabetic groups and these phenomena were returned to control levels by insulin

treatment except muscle branched chain amino acids and alanine indicating that

these amino acids would be utilized in protein synthesis.


Measurements of amino acid levels in plasma and skeletal muscle of alloxan diabetic rats fasted for 18 hours were compared with those of control and insulin treated groups. The plasma taurine levels rose with the onset of diabetes (from 3rd day to 21st day) and these levels returned to control levels upon insulin treatment on day 15 but no significant changes were observed in insulin treated control group. In contrast, plasma cystine levels which are known to be precursors for taurine biosynthesis were reduced in diabetic group as compared to control group and upon insulin treatment, plasma cystine levels in control group were reduced whereas those indiabetic rats were increased. Muscle cystine levels in diabetic group were higher than those of control group and insulin treatment of control group caused rise in cystine levels but these levels were tended to be reduced in

diabetic group. Plasma urea and ornithine which were derived from urea cycle, were increased in alloxan diabetic rats. Plasma glutamine levels were decreased at 7th day after alloxan treatment but these levels did not return to the control level by

insulin treatment until day 15, and the effect of insulin on glutamine levels were inconsistent with other amino acids. Plasma alanine levels were higher in diabetic group and were increased both in control and diabetic groups by insulin treatment.

Muscle alanine levels were also higher in diabetic group. These results suggest that excess ammonia from tissue protein degradation in diabetic rats would be disposed through alanine and glutamine to urea cycle. The levels of plasma branched

chain amino acids, valine, isoleucine and leucine, were higher in diabetic group while those of muscle levels were tended to be decreased and insulin treatment of alloxan groups led to decrease in plasma branched chain amino acid levels although insulin treated control groups were not affected at all, however, the effects of insulin on branched chain amino acid levels in muscle were not remarkable both on control and diabetic rats indicating that the degradation of muscle protein was prevented by insulin in alloxan diabetic group. These results revealed that the

amino acid levels in plasma and muscle showed inverse relationship both in control and diabetic groups and these phenomena were returned to control levels by insulin

treatment except muscle branched chain amino acids and alanine indicating that these amino acids would be utilized in protein synthesis.
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