알레르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염에서 랑게르한스 게포, Ia 양성 각질세포와 THY-1 양성 수지상 표피세포의 변화
Other Titles
Changes of Langerhans cells, Ia+ keratinolcytes, and Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells in allergic contact dermatitis and irritant con
Issue Date
알레르기성 접촉피부염은 지연성 과민반응의 대표적 반응으로서 랑게르한스 세포, 각질세포, T 림프구등이 상호 중요한 작용을 한다. 그러나 아직까지 알레르기성 접촉피부염에서 Thy-1 양성 수지상 표피세포의 역할과 형태학적 변화에 대해서는 잘 모르고 있다. 원
발성 접촉피부염의 기전에 대해서는 아직 밝혀지지 않은 점이 많으며, 더구나 원발성 접촉피부염에서의 이들 세포들에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 이에 저자는 BALB/c 마우스에서 알레르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염을 유발시켜 염증 유발전, 염증이
가장 심할때와 염증이 가라않을 때의 랑게르한스 세포, la양성 각질세포, Thy-1 양성수지상 표피세포의 변화를 면역과산화효소 염색법을 이용하여 관찰하여 두 질환에서의 이들 새포변화의 차이를 비교 관찰하였으며 , 특히 Thy-1양성 수지상 표피세포가 접촉피부염에
서 어떤 역할을 할 수 있는지의 가능성을 형태학적 변화로부터 추정하고자 실험을 실시하였다. 실험결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.
1. 대조군에서 랑게르한스 세포는 비교적 고르게 분포되어 있었고, 평균 세포수는 1147 ± 132개/mm**2 이였다. Thy-1 양성 수지상 표피세포는 랑게르한스, 세포보다 크기가 컸으며, 불균일하게 군데군데 모여 있었으며 평균 세포수는 57 ± 69개/mm**2 이었다. la
양성 각질 세포는 관찰되지 않았다.
2. 알레르기성 접촉피부염 유발 1일째 귀부종지수는 최대였으며, 이때 랑게르한스 세포수는 대조군에 비해 의미있게 감소하였으며, 세포의 크기와 수지상 돌기수도 증가된 소견이 관찰되었다. 대부분의 각질세포표면에서 la 항원 양성을 보였다.
3. 알레르기성 접촉피부염 유발 12일째 랑게르한스 세포수는 대조군에 비해 의미있는 변화가 얼었으며, 형태도 대조군과 거의 같았다. la 양성 각질세포는 거의 관찰되지 않았다.
4. Thy-1 양성 수지상 표피세포수는 알레르기성 접촉피부염 유발 1일째와 12일째 모두 의미있는 변화가 없었다. 형태도 큰 변화가 없었다.
5. 원발성 접측피부염 유발 2일째 귀부종지수는 최대였으며, 이때 랑게르한스 세포수는 의미있게 감소하였으며, la 양성 각질세포는 관찰되지 않았다. 형태도 대조군과 거의 같았다.
6. 원발성 접촉피부염 유발 20일째 랑개르한스 세포수는 의미있개 증가하였으며, la 양성 각질세포는 관찰되지 않았다. 수지상돌기는 증가된 소견이 관찰되었다.
7. Thy-1 양성 수지상 표피세포수는 원발성 접촉피부염 유발 2일째와 20일째모두 의미있는 변화가 없었고 형태도 큰 변화가 없었다.
이상의 결과로 보아 랑게르한스 세포는 알레르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염 모두에서 중요한 역할을 하거나 표적 세포로서의 작용을 하는 것으로 사료되며, la 양성 각질세포는 주로 알레르기성 접촉피부염에서 어떤 역할을 하는 것으로 생각된다. 또한 알레
르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염에서 시간에 따른 랑게르한스 세포수의 변화에 차이가 있고 원발성 접촉피부염에서는 la 양성 각질세포가 보이지 않는 점으로 보아, 알레르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염은 서로 다른 경로의 염증반응을 보이거나 주로
작용하는 cytokine의 종류가 다를 가능성이 있다. Thy-1 양성 수지상 표피세포는 알레르기성 접촉피부염과 원발성 접촉피부염모두에서 랑게르한스 세포만큼 중요한 역할을 하는 세포가 아닌 것 같으며, 접촉피부염에서의 염증반응에 크게 영향을 받는 표적세포가 아닐
가능성이 크다고 생각된다.
Changes of Langerhans cells, la**+ keratinocytes, and Thy-1**+ dendritic epidermal
cells in allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.
Nam Joon Cho
Department of Medical Science, The Graduate School, Yonsei University
(Directed by Assistant Professor Soo Chan Kim)
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a prototype of delayed hypersensitive
reaction where interactions between Langerhans cells (LC), keratinocytes and T
Iymphocytes play an important role. The role of LC in ACD is well known. However,
the role of Thy-1**+ dendritic epidermal cells (DEC) in ACD is not known yet.
Further, not many are known about the pathophysiologic mechanism about irritant
contact dermatitis (ICD) and more study is required about the interaction between
these cells. Theaim of this study is to observation the changes of these cells in
ACD and ICD and to discuss the possible role of these cells in these different
diseases. We evoked ACD with DNEB and ICD with proton oil in BALB/C mice and
observed the changes of LC, la**+ keratinocytes, Thy-1**+ DEC when the inflammation
was peak and at resolution state by immunoperoxidase stain.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. In control group, LC were relatively evenly spread, overage number of LC
were1147 137/mm**2, Thy-1**+ DEC were bigger than LC and showed uneven
distribution. Evereage number of Thy-7**+ DEC were 57 ± 69/mm**2 , la**+
keratinocytes were not observed.
2. At 1st day of DNFB challenged group, the number of LC were
significantly-30-decreased but size and dendritic process were increased compared
to the control group. Most keratinocytes were Ia**+.
3. At 12th day of DNFB challenged group, there were no significant changes in the
number and morphology of LC compared to the control group and la**+ keratinocytes
were not observed.
4. There were significant changes in number and morphology of Thy-1**+ DEC in ACD
evoked groups at day 1st and day 12th.
5. At 2nd day of croton oil applicated groups, the number of LC were
significantly decreased but morphology were not significant changed. la**+
keratinocytes were not observed.
6. At 20th day of croton oil applicated groups, the number of LC were
significantly increased but morphology were not significant changed. la**+
keratinocytes were not observed.
7. There were no significant changes in number and morphology of Thy-1'DEC in ICD
evoked group at day 2nd and day 20th. la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
From the above results. it can be deduced that the LC have important role in the
pathophysiologic mechanisms of both ACD and ICD reaction. ra**+ epidermal cells in
which we can deduce that it has important role mainly in the pathophysiologic
mechanisms of ACD. In addition, that there are difference of changes in the number
of Langerhans cells between ACD and ICD, and la**+ keratinocyres appeaied only in
ACD render us to hypothize that different pathway of inflammation exist in ACD and
ICD, at least in croton oil induced case, or different cytokines may act in both
reactions. It is probable that Thy-1**+ DEC does not have any particular role in
the pathophysiologic mechanisms in both ACD and ICD. However, further studies are
required in elucidating the role of Thy-1'DEC in ACD and ICD.
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a prototype of delayed hypersensitive reaction where interactions between Langerhans cells (LC), keratinocytes and T Iymphocytes play an important role. The role of LC in ACD is well known. However, the role of Thy-1**+ dendritic epidermal cells (DEC) in ACD is not known yet.
Further, not many are known about the pathophysiologic mechanism about irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and more study is required about the interaction between these cells. Theaim of this study is to observation the changes of these cells in
ACD and ICD and to discuss the possible role of these cells in these different diseases. We evoked ACD with DNEB and ICD with proton oil in BALB/C mice and observed the changes of LC, la**+ keratinocytes, Thy-1**+ DEC when the inflammation was peak and at resolution state by immunoperoxidase stain.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. In control group, LC were relatively evenly spread, overage number of LC were1147 137/mm**2, Thy-1**+ DEC were bigger than LC and showed uneven distribution. Evereage number of Thy-7**+ DEC were 57 ± 69/mm**2 , la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
2. At 1st day of DNFB challenged group, the number of LC were
significantly-30-decreased but size and dendritic process were increased compared to the control group. Most keratinocytes were Ia**+.
3. At 12th day of DNFB challenged group, there were no significant changes in the number and morphology of LC compared to the control group and la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
4. There were significant changes in number and morphology of Thy-1**+ DEC in ACD evoked groups at day 1st and day 12th.
5. At 2nd day of croton oil applicated groups, the number of LC were significantly decreased but morphology were not significant changed. la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
6. At 20th day of croton oil applicated groups, the number of LC were significantly increased but morphology were not significant changed. la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
7. There were no significant changes in number and morphology of Thy-1'DEC in ICD evoked group at day 2nd and day 20th. la**+ keratinocytes were not observed.
From the above results. it can be deduced that the LC have important role in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of both ACD and ICD reaction. ra**+ epidermal cells in which we can deduce that it has important role mainly in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of ACD. In addition, that there are difference of changes in the number of Langerhans cells between ACD and ICD, and la**+ keratinocyres appeaied only in ACD render us to hypothize that different pathway of inflammation exist in ACD and ICD, at least in croton oil induced case, or different cytokines may act in both reactions. It is probable that Thy-1**+ DEC does not have any particular role in the pathophysiologic mechanisms in both ACD and ICD. However, further studies are required in elucidating the role of Thy-1'DEC in ACD and ICD.