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치과용접착제(Dentla adhesive)를 사용한 제 5급 복합레진수복물의 변연누출에 관한 실험적 연구

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 In vitro study on the marginal leakage of the class V composite restoration with dental adhesive 
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본 실험의 목적은 3종류의 치과용접착제를 사용한 복합레저충전물에서 법랑질 및 상아질변연에서의 변연누출을 색소의 침투 정도로 측정·비교하는데 있으며, 실험대상으로는 75개의 발거된 전치 및 소구치를 25개씩 3개의 군으로 분류하여 각 군당의 50개-각 치아의 협면과 설면에 1개씩-의 5급와동을 형성하였다. 치과용접착체로는 주요 성분이 Bis-GMA의 halophosphoras ester인 Scotchbond** (3M), polyurethane 제재인 Dentin Adhesit** (Vivadent) 그리고 점도가 낮은 Bis-GMA 제재인 Enamel Bond** (3M)를 사용하였으며 충전용복합레진으로는 Silar** (3M), Heliosit** (Vivadent)을 사용하였다.

모든 시편은 4℃와60℃의 물속에 1분간씩 교대로 침윤시키는 온도변화를 50회 실시하고, 37℃의 0.5% methylene blue 수용액에 24시간 침윤시킨 후에 acrylic resin에 포매하여 diamond disk로 중앙부를 협설측으로 절단하고 현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 법랑질변연에서는 Scotchbond** -Silar** 군이 다른 2개군과 비교할 때 변연누출이 가장 적었다.

2. Dentin Adhesit** -Heliosit** 군과 Enamel Bond** -Silar** 군 사이에는 법랑질변연에서의 변연누출 정도에는 통계적 유의차가 없었다.

3. 상아질변연에서는 색소가 와동저에 이르는 정도의 심한 변연누출이 3개 군에서 모두 나타났으며, 3개 군사이의 변연누출정도에는 통계적 유의차가 없었다.


This study was undertaken to evaluate the degree of the marginal leakage of composite restoration with 3 brands of dental adhesives by means of the dye penetration at the enamel and dentinal margins. 150 cavities of class V were prepared on the buccal and lingual surfaces of 75 extracted anterior and premolar

teeth, which were devided into 3 groups. The cavities were filled with composite resin, Silar** (3M) and Heliosit** (Vivadent) after application of the dental adhesives, specifically Scotchbond** (3M) which is essentially composed with halophosphorus ester of Bis-GMA, Dentin Adhesit** (Vivadent) which is polyurethane resin, and Enamel Bond** (3M) which is a product of Bis-GMA with low viscosity at internal surfaces and margins of the cavities. All specimens were immersed in 37℃, 0.5% methylene blue solution for 24 hours after thermocycling at 47℃ and 60℃, embedded in acrylic resin, and sectioned with diamond disk into two parts. The sectioned specimens observed with the light microscope.

The following results were obtained:

1. The group filled with Scotchbond** -Silar** had appeared least marginal leakage compared with the other two groups at the enamel margins.

2. No significant difference in the degree of the marginal leakage had appeared between Dentin Adhesit** -Heliosit** group and Enamel Bond** -Silar** group at the enamel margins.

3. Severe marginal leakage with penetration of dye to the floor of cavity had appeared from the all three groups and no significant difference in the degree of marginal leakage exsisted between the three groups at the dentinal margins.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 2. Thesis
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