(A) study on the centralplane of image layer in panoramic radiograph
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저자는 파노라마방사선촬영장치의 상층중심면을 연구하는데 있어서 모리다회사 제품 PANEX-EC를 사용하여 4∼5개의 실험핀을 꽂은 프라스틱 모형판을 촬영한 33장의 방사선사진상을 육안적 검사 및 Mitutoio-A-221 진원도 검사기와 Vernier Caliper를 이용하여 얻은
결과를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
1. 본 실험에서 결정된 상층중심면은 제조회사가 지시한 상층중심면에 비하여 외측에 있었다.
2. 상층중심면에서 수평확대율은 평균 9.25%였다.
3. 상층중심면에서 수직확대율은 평균 9.17%였다.
The purpose of this investigation was to locate the central plane of the image layer on the panoramic machine relative to a specific point on the machine.
In the study of the central plane of the image layer of panoramic radiograph, using the Morrita Company PANEX-EC a series of 33 exposures were taken with the 4-5 experimental pins placed in the holes of the plastic model plate, then evaluated by human eye. The author analyzed the central plane of the image layer by
Mitutoyo-A-221 and calculated horizontal and vertical magnification ratio in the central plane of the image layer determined experimentally.
The results were as follows :
1. The location of rho central plane of the image layer determined experimentally was to lateral, compared with manufactural central plane.
2. Horizontal magnification ratio in the central plane of the image layer determined experimentally was 9.25%.
3. Vertical magnification ratio in the central plane of the image layer determined experimentally was 9.17%.