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눈물내 Plasmin의 활성도와 각막궤양과의 관계

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 (The) plasmin activity in tear film and chronic corneal ulcer 
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난치성 각막궤양과 익상편 수술후의 궤사성 공막염에서 plasmin의 역할을 규명하고저 각각의 증상군에 속하는 환자의 눈물내 plasmin 활성도를 측정하여 그 상관관계를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.

1. 난치성 각막궤양환자 3예 모두에서 눈물의 plasmin 활성도가 1/16 sigma unit/ml에서 1/8 sigma unit/m1까지 증가되어 있었다.

2. 궤사성 공막염환자 2예에서 모두 눈물의 plasmin 활성도가 관찰되지 않았다.


Plasmin is an enzyme which plays an important role in the inflammatory process by activating vasoaotive amine and lysis of fibrin. On the other hand, plasmin is also known to activate latent collagenase. Plasmin is an activated form of plasminogen which is stimulated by the plasminogen activator that exists in plasma and tissue. Gordon et at (1980) insisted that collagenase is important for the formation of corneal ulcer because it destroys the collagen which is the main component of the cornea. Berman et al(1980)reported that corneal tissue destruction by plasminogen activator-plasmin system can be a cause of corneal ulcer. We could obtain the following results by checking the plasmin activity in the tear of chronic corneal ulcer patients and necrotizing scleritis patients.

1. The plasmin activity in the tear was increased in all three chronic corneal ulcer patients in concentration of 1/16 sigma unit/ml to 1/8 sigma unit/ml.

2. There was no plasmin activity in the tear of the two necrotizing scleritis patients.
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