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서울 북부지역 중학생의 측두하악장애에 관한 역학적 연구

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 (An) epidemiologic study of temporomandibular disorders in middle school students 
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서울특별시 북부지역에 위치한 7개 중학교 학생 501명(남자 252명, 여자 249명)을 대상으로 임상검사와 설문서검사를 실시하여 측두하악장애의 유병율, 증상별 빈도, 성별, 연령별 분포등을 조사하여 다음의 결론을 얻었다.

1. 개구제한을 보인 사람은 전체 피검자의 2.4%로 성별, 연령별 유의차가 없었으며 평균 최대 개구량은 남자에서는 52.48mm, 여자에서는 49.93mm로서 남 녀간에 유의차가 있었다. (P<0.01)

2. 측두하악장애의 객관적 증상을 나타낸 사람은 55.5%(남자 56.7%,여자 54.2%)로 남녀간에 유의차가 없었으나 주관적 증상을 나타낸 사람은 남자 50.4%, 여자 61,0%로 유의차가 있었다. (P<0.05)

3. 가장 높은 빈도를 나타낸 객관적 증상은 개구시 편위(27.9%), 관절잡음(26.8%)이었으며 주관적 증상은 두통(21,4%)이었다.

4. 측두하악장애의 주관적 증상과 구강악습관, 전신적 건강상태 그리고 성격과는 유의성이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. (P<0.01)

결론적으로 서울 북부지역 중학생을 대상으로 임상검사와 설문서검사를 하여 측두하악장애에 관한 역학조사를 한 결과 선학들의 연구결과에서와 같이 높은 유병율을 나타냈으며, 피검자가 성장기의 청소년층이라는 점과 한 두개의 중상만을 보인 피검자가 약 80%에

이르는 점을 고려할 때 중상을 나타낸 퍼검자들은 잠재적 환자군으로 사료된다.


An epidemiological investigation was carried out to determine the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in middle school students aged 13-15. Five hundred and one students were selected and investigated with questionaires and clinical examination forms.

Within the limits of this study, the following results were obtained.

1. The incidence of limitation of the mandibular opening was 2.4% for the entire group, which consisted of 2.8% for boys and 2.0% for girls with no distinct preference. The mean values of maximal opening in boys and girls were 52.48mm, 49.93mm, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between boys and girls,(P<7.01)

2. The prevalence of signs of temporomandibular disorders was 55.5% -56.7% for bays and 54.2% for girls-with no distinct difference between boys and girls. The prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders was 55.7% -50.4% for boys and 61.0% for girls. There was a distinct difference between boys and girls.(P<0.05)

3. The most frequently projected sign was deviation in maximal opening(27.9%) and joint sound was the next one(26.8%), whereas the most frequently complained symptom was headache(21.4%).

4. There was a highly significant relationship between oral habits, general health condition and personality and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders.(p<0.71) In conclusion, 501 middle school students in north region in Seoul were examined for the possible signs and symptoms associated with temporomandibular disorders. The results of this study showed that the prevalence was quite high although the subjects with signs and symptomswere not necessarily the patients who required immediate treatments for temporomandihular disorders.
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