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교정용 B-titanium 합금 선재의 자가납착에 관한 연구

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 (A) study for the electrical resistance welding of B-titianium orthodonic wire 
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[한글]교정용 β-titanium합금 선재는 springback이 우수하며, 강성률이 낮고, 형태부여성이 우수하다는 장점이외에도 자가납착만으로 충분히 강한 결합부를 얻을 수 있어 현재 교정영역에서 널리 사용되고 있는 재료이다. 저자는 교정용 β-titanium합금 선재의 적절한 자가납착조건을 찾고자 RM 506A welder를 이용하여 교정용 β-titanium합금 선재를 "T" 형태로 자가납착시키고 자가 납착시키는 선재의 형태와 방향성, 전극의 형태 및 energy input의 여러 조건에 따른 선재의 연화정도를 knoop 경도를 측정하여 조사하고 이때 동반

되는 set down양, 휨량을 측정함과 동시에 미새구조를 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 자가납착부의 경도는 원선보다 50kg/mm**2 정도 낮았으며, 자가납착에 의한 연화는 자가납착 중심부에서 0.6∼1.0 mm범위에 국한되었다.

2. 동일한 선재의 방향성과 energy input하에서는 flat-flat 전극보다 point-point전극 사용시 set down양이 적었으며, 모든 energy input에서 edgewise-ribbonwise와 edgewise-edgewise 자가납착시는 50%이하, edgewise-circular와 circular-circular 자가납착시는 50%이상의 set down을 보였다.

3. 휨량은 edgewise-ribbonwise, edgewise-edgewise, edgewise-circular에서 point-flat전극, point-point전극 flat-flat 전극의 순으로 적었으며, circular-circular 에서는 flat-flat전극과 point-point전극간에 차이가 없었다.

4. 자가납착부에서 주선재와 보조선재의 경계부를 중심으로 양 선재는 섬유상구조를 잃고 등축 결정립이 형성되었다.

[영문]The orthodontic β-titanium wire has a unique balance of low stiffness, high springback, formability and weldability which indicates its use in a wide range of clinical applications To establish optimum conditions for the electrical resistance welding of β-titanium wires, "T" joints were welded by RM 506A welder on the condition of various wire orientation, electrode and energy input. The quality of the welded joints was determined by evaluating its Knoop hardness, set down, bowing and microstructure.

The results were as follows :

1. It skewed that Knoop hardness decreased in the center of welded joints about 50kg/mm**2 and that length returned to their original hardness were limited to 0.6∼1.0 mm.

2. The amounts of set down when used point-point electrode were less than when used flat-flat electrode under the condition of same wire orientation antral energy inputs And the set down of edgewise-ribbonwise and edgewise-edgewise were not greater than 50%, but that of edgewise-circular and circular-circular were greater than 50% at all energy input.

3. Amounts of bowing in edgewise-ribbonwise, edgewise-edgewise and edgewise-circular when used flat-flat electrode were less than when used point-point electrode, and the greatest amount was showed when used point-flat electrode. On the other hand there was no difference between flat-flat electrode and point-point electrode in circular-circular wire orientation.

4. As a result of welding procedure, original fibrous structure was eliminated in the both wire adjacent to weld interface and equiaxed crystals were newly formed.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 2. Thesis
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