(A) study on the mental health team's perception of the role expectation and role performance of psychiatric and mental health nursesA study on the mental health team's perception of the role
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본 연구자는 정신과 치료팀인 정신간호원, 정신과 의사, 임상심리가와 사회사업가가 인
식하는 정신간호원의 역할기대와 역할수행을 알아보기 위하여 다음과 같은 기술적 조사
연구를 시도하였다
본 연구는 서울 시내에 있는 10개 의과대학 부속의 교육종합병원 정신과에 근무하는 정
신간호원 74명, 정신과 의사 33명 임상심리가와 사회사업가 21명을 대상자로 하였다
연구 도구는 미국간호협회에서 발표한 정신간호 활동의 기준을 기초로 하여 연구자가
제작한 질문지를 사용하였다. 본 연구에서 역할기대 측정도구의 신뢰도는 Cronbach's α=
.91, 역할수행 측정도구의 신뢰도는 Cronbach's α=.92로 산출되었다.
자료수집 기간은 1985년 10월 25일 부터 11월 9일까지 총 15일간 이었다.
수집된 자료는 전산 통계처리 하였으며 자료분석 방법으로 일반적 특성은 실수와 역할
수행 과 역할기대 항목에 대하여 평균과 표준편차를 구하였다. 그리고 치료팀과 역할기대
점수, 치료팀과 역할수행점수와의 유의성 검정을 각각 ANOVA로 분석하였다. 역할기대 점
수와 역할수행 점수의 차이를 Paired t-test로 검정하였다.
본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
1. 정신간호원의 역할기대와 역할수행 도구에 의한 정신과 치료팀의 역할기대 점수는
평균 142.1로 나타났으며 치료팀 중에서 간호원은 평균 145.1, 의사 139.2, 임상심리가와
사회사업가 136.0으로 나타났다. 치료팀에 따른 역할기대 정도를 ANOVA로 분석한 결과
통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다( F=6.232, p< .01).
2. 정신과 치료팀의 역할수행점수는 평균 102.1로 나타났으며 치료팀 중에서 간호원은
평균104.9, 의사 96.7, 임상심리가와 사회사업가 100.5로 차이가 있게 나타났으며 치료팀
에 따른 역할수행 정도를 ANOVA로 분석한 결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다( F=2.73
8, p>.05).
3. 정신과 치료팀의 역할기대 점수와 역할수행 점수를 Paired t-test로 검정한 결과 통
계적으로 유의한 차이를 나타내었다( t=24.58, p< .01).
결론적으로 정신과 치료팀이 인식하는 정신간호원의 역할기대가 치료팀에 따라 차이가
있게 나타났으며 역할기대 정도와 역할수행정도에 차이가 있었으므로 정신간호원의 역할
에 객관적이고 합의된 기준을 마련하려 명확히 하기 위한 방안이 모색되어야 할 것을 시
사해 주고 있다.
This study was done to identify the perception of the role expectation and role
performance of psychiatic and mental health nurser s by psychiatric and mental
health nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.
A survey design was used. The subjects of this study were the total population of
74 nurses, 33 physicians, and 21psychologists or soial workers who were employed in
the psychiatric units of 10 university hospitals in Seoul, Korea doing the period
between Oct.15, 1985 and Nov. 19, 1985.
The instrument developed by the researcher was based on the 1982 Standards of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice of the Division on Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing Practice of the American Nurses' Association. The role
expectation's tool consisted of 32 items, each with a five point rating scale, and
the role performance's tool consisted of 32 items, each with a five point rating
scale. In this study the reliability coefficients by Cronbach's α-test were .91
for the role expectation scale and .92 for the role performance scale.
Data were analyzed by Computer using the SPSS program. Frequency and percentages
were used to examine the general characteristics of the subjects. Mean and Standard
deviations were used to analyze the role expectation and performance items.
Analysis of variance was used to test the difference in total mean role performance
scores between the members of the mental health team and in total mean role
expectation scores between the members of the mental health team.
The results of this study were as follows :
1. The total mean role expectation scores were 145.0 for psychiatric and mental
health nurses, 139.0 for psychiatrists, 136.0 for psychologists and social workers.
Analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in the total mean
expectation scores between the groups(F=6,232, p< .01). Low expectation scores were
for items in the area of utilization of community health systems, research, health
teaching and psychotherapy.
2. The total mean role performance scores were 104.9 for nurses, 100.5 for
psychologists and social workers, and 96.7 for physicians. Analysis of valiance
indicated no significant difference in the total mean performance score between the
groups (F=2.738, p>.05). High performance scores were for items in the area of
somatic therapy, self-care activites, and therapeutic environment. Low performance
scores were for items in the area of utilization of community health systems,
research, health teaching and psychotherapy.
3. Analysis by the Paired t-test indicated significant differences between the
total mean role performance scores and the total mean role expectation scores of
the member of the interdisciplinary team (t=24.58, p<.01). The results showed
differences on the role expectation scores and role performance scores, t=27.00 for
the nurses, t=10.37 for the physicians, t=8.02 for the psychologists and social
workers (p<.01).
In conclusion, this study revealed that there was a significant differences among
curses, physicians, and psychologists and social workers regarding their
expectations of the nurse's role. Therefore the role of psychiatric and mental
health nurses must be clarified and it must be communicated to the member of the
interdisciplinary team. There is a need to identify the reasons for the low
performance scores and to find ways to raise these performance scores.