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한국 해녀의 Energy대사 및 체온조절에 관한 연구

Other Titles
 Energy metabolism and body temperature regulation of Korean diving woman (Hae-Nyu) 
 Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년과학교실) 
 Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년과학교실) 
Issue Date


While the ama are engaged in diving work in summer and winter, the rectal

temperature and the oxygen consumption (VO^^2) were determined. In addition, a diet

survey and a physical fitness test were also conducted on the ama. The average

rectal temperature declined to 35.3C after 45 min of work in summer (water temp.,

22C) and to 34.8C after 30 min of work in winter (water temp., 10C). The mean body

temperature declined to 30C and 25C in summer and winter, respectively. The lowest

rectal temperature which the ama tolerated voluntarily was 33.2C in summer and

34.3C in winter. VO^^2 increased to nearly 1 l/min in summer and to 1.4 l/min in

winter. The extra heat loss during a work shift amounted to 360 Kcal in summer as

compared to 588 in winter. This indicates that the total extra energy expenditure

for diving work is approximately 1,000 Kcal/day in both summer and winter. The

actual diet survey showed that the total caloric intake of the ama is 3,000

Kcal/day in both summer and winter, which exceeds the daily requirement for

non-diving women of comparable age by 1,000 Kcal. The protein intake was not

different between summer and winter. Physical fitness as judged by the score of

Harvard step-up test was significantly better in the ama than in the control in

both summer and winter. Moreover, physical fitness was poorer in winter as compared

to summer in the control, whereas it was similarly excellent throughout a year in

the ama.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pediatrics (소아과학교실) > 2. Thesis
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Pyung Kil(김병길)
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