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광중합 Glass Ionomer Cement의 결합 강도에 대한 실험적 연구

Other Titles
 Experimental study of bond strenth of light-cured glass ionomer cement 
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[한글]저자는 광중합 Glass lonomer Cement의 치질과의 결합 강도를 자가증합 Glass lonomer

Cement, 그리고 광중합 복합레진과 비교해 보기위하여 발거된 대구치 80개의 협면을 편평

하게하여 40개씩으로 나누어 법랑질과 상아질이 노출되도록 한다음 광중합 Glass lonomer

Cement로는 Fuji II LC를, 자가중합 Glass Ionomer Cement로는 Fuji ll와 Shofu G.I.typ

e II를, 광중합 복합레진으로는 Silux Plus를 이용하여 노출된 치면에 직경 3mm, 높이 2m

m 가 되도록 17개씩 재료를 부착시켰다. 완성된 80개의 시편은 37℃, 100% 상대습도에서

24시간 보관한 후 만능시험기(cross head speed : 5mm/in)를 이용하여 치질과의 전단결합

강도를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 법랑질에서의 결합강도는 Shofu G.I type II, Fuji ll, FuJi ll LC, Silux Plus순으

로 증가하였으며 자가중합재료인 Shofu G.I type II와 Fuji II 사이에서를 제외하고는 통

계학적 유의차가 있었다 (P<0.01).

2. 상아질에서의 결합강도는 Shofu G.1 type II, Fuji II, Silux Plus, Fuji II LC순으

로 증가하였으며 통계학적 유의차가 있었다 (P<0.05).

3. 각 재료의 법랑질과 상아질에서의 결합강도 비교시 법랑질에서 더 크게 나타났으며

통계학적 유의차가 있었다 (P<0,01).

이상의 결과로 보아 심미적 수복시 Glass lonomer Cement 를 사용할 경우 자가중합형보

다는 치질과 결합강도가 더 큰 광중합형을 사용하는것이 임상에서 더 유용하리라고 사료



The purpose of study was to compare bond strength of Light-cured Glass lonomer

Cement wi th those of Chemical Iy-cured Glass lonomer Cement and Composi to Resin

to enamel and dentin surface.

Each extracted Molars, the buccal surfaces of which were flattened, were divided

into two groups, so that 40 teeth had their enamel exposed and the other 40 had

their dent in exposed.

The materials used were:

1) Fuji II LC (Light-cured Glass lonomer Cement)

2) Fuji II & Shofu G.I type II (Chemically-cured Glass lonomer Cement)

3) Silux Plus (Composi to Resin)

Each of the materials was applied to the exposed surface of 10 teeth by insertion

into a cylinderical -shaped matrix which is 3mm diameter and 2mm in height.

The completed specimens were stored at 3mm under 100% humidity for 24 hours: then

the shear bond strength of each material to enamel and dentin surface were measured

wi th Instron universal testing machine.

The for lowing results were obtained:

1.Bond strength to enamel surface increased in order of Shofu 6.I typeII, Fuji

II, Fuji II LC, and Silux Plus. Statistical significance was obserbed except for

Shofu G. I type II and Fuji II, which are chemicalIy-cured materials (P<0.01) .

2.Bond strength to dentin surface increased in order of Shofu G.I typeII, Fuji

II, Silux Plus, Fuji II LC, There was statistical significance(P<0.05) .

3.Bond strength to enamel surface was greater than that to dentin. There was

statistical significance( P<0.01) .

From such results, it can be concluded that when Glass lonomer Cement is used for

esthetic restoration, light-cured type, which has greater bond strenth to tooth

structure, is preferred to chemically-cured type.
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