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한국부인의 임신기간에 관한 연구 (II)

Other Titles
 Studies on the length of gestation in Korean pregnant women 
Issue Date

1974년 1월부터 1976년 12월까지 연세의료원 산부인과에 입원 분만한 5,845예의 obstet

ric maternity records의 각종 성적을 산전관리 및 태아의 예후를 결정하는데 있어서 가

장 중요한 임신기간을 중심으로 통계 처리하여 고찰하였으며, 더 나아가서는 급속히 변천

하는 경제 사회구조의 서구화에 따라서 우리나라 임산부의 건강상태와 산과학의 기초적

통계수치의 변화 유무를 파악하기 위하여 이미 본 교실에서 연구발표된 1969 - 1973년도

연구결과와 비교 고찰하였다.


In terms of the length of gestational period, obstetric maternity records of

5,845 pregnant women whose pregnacies terminated between 1974 to 1976, were

reviewed. Comparison were also made with the results of 1969-1973 study series

reported from Yonsei Medical Center.

1) The annual distribution of the total number of deliveries was as follows.

1974-1976 series 1969-1973 series

1974 1975 1976 Total Average Total Average

No. of

delivery 2,080 2,065 1,700 5,845 1,948 11,436 2,287

% 35.6 35.3 29.1 100 - 100 -

2) 84.12% of the pregnancies terminated at 37 to 42 weeks of gestation. Thus

37 - 42 weeks of gestation appeared to be the most adequate period.

3) The average length of gestation was on the decrease with the age of the

mothers and the differences of means were statistically signigicant when the age of

the mothers was over 35. It was found that the women in the age between 25 and 29

occupied 53.94% of total pregnancies terminated and their mean length of gestation

was 38.80 ± 0.76 weeks.

4) Recently the annual total number of pregnancies in private service tended to

be increased progressively in contrast with clinic case. The annual mean length of

gestation in private service was closer to term.

5) The proportion of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy among the total

pregnancies terminated was as follows :

Preeclampsia, mild form 5.53%

Preeclampsia, severe form 2.69%

Antepartal eclampsia 0.69%

Intrapartal eclampsia 0.14%

Postpartal eclampsia -

The average duration of gestation in severe hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

were the most frequent in the early period of the third trimester.

The distribution was as follows :

weeks of gestation standard deviation

Preeclampsia, mild form 38.12 ±0.78

Preeclampsia, severe form 37.10 ±0.96

Antepartal eclampsia 33.88 ±2.49

Intrapartal eclampsia 34.36 ±0.92

Postpartal eclampsia - -

6) At birth the percentage of male was 52.15%. There are no significant

differences in the length of gestation in the sex of babies.

7) The proportion of perinatal death to total delivery number is as follows :

Still births 1.61%

Died 1st 24 hrs. 1.08%

Died 25-72 hrs. 0.34%

Died 4-7 days 0.03%

The perinatal death was directly related to the length of gestation at delivery.

8) The weight of newborn infants was distributed mainly between 3,000 and 3,499

gm. As the pregnancy got to 38 weeks of gestation, the baby weight was between

2,500 and 2,999 gm.

9) The risk of the premature delivery was increased with number of previous

abortion, whether spontaneous or induced, being done. The risk of the premature

delivery also was directly related to the number of previous history of premature


10) 77.83% in the range of 37-42 weeks of gestation but 63.82% and 52.71%

respectively when the length of gestation was below 36 or above 43 weeks.

11) The Apgar score at one minute and five minutes of neonate who was born in

between 37 to 42 weeks of gestation was most favorable one.
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