다수의 진단지수와 Mandibular kinesiography에 의한 교합안정장치의 치료 효과에 대한 비교연구
Other Titles
Comparative study in the effectiveness of treatment by using occlusal biteplane splint by means of various diagnostic indices and mandibular kinesiography
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교합안정장치 사용에 따르는 치료효과와 측두하악장애 정도를 양적으로 표시하는 각종 진단지수들의 상관관계를 규명하기 위하여 연세대학교 치과병원 교합과에 내원한 환자 중에서 설문지 조사, 임상적 검사 및 방사선학적 검사에 의하여 이갈이군, 정복성 관절원판
변위군 및 비정복성 판절원판 변위군으로 단분류한 남자 5명, 여자 21명, 총 26명의 환자를 대상으로 교합안정장치 치료전과 치료 1, 2, 6개월후의 PRI, Pain scores, Helkimo-dysfunction index, 그리고 Mandibular Kinesiography를 이용한 하악운동의 기록을 측정하여 비교분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
3. 이갈이군은 시상면 상에서의 최대개구량과 최대개구속도에서, 정복성 관절원판 변위군은 시상면 상에서의 최대 개구량과 전후방편위량, 및 최대개구속도에서, 비정복성 관절 원판변위군은 최대개구량과 전후방 편위량 및 최대 개폐구속도에서 유의성있는 변화가 있었다(p<0.05).
4. 교합안정장치에 의한 치료후 연하형태 및 저작형태의 변화는 없었고 유아 연하 형태는 11%, 쳐인 연하 형태는 89%였다. 저작형태는 대부분이 Type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, 이었으며, TypeⅡ, Type Ⅰ, Type Ⅲ 의 순으로 많았다
5. 여러 진단 지수중 Pain scores와 Helkimo dysfunction index 사이에는 측정시기에 따라 서로간의 뚜렷한 상관관계를 가졌다 (p(0.05). 이상에서와 같이 여러가지 진단지수로 측정된 교합안정장치에 의한 치료효과는 이갈이군이나 정복성 관절원판 변위군에 비하여 비정복성 관절원판 변위군에서 가장 높은 것으
로 나타났다.
[영문]26 patients (5 males and 21 females) who visited the Department of Occlusion at Yonsei University Dental Hospital were chosen as subjects in examining the correlation of various indices which quantify the degrees of TMJ abnormalities and the effectiveness of treatment by using occlusal piteplain splint. Their diagnosis
were classified into 3 groups: bruxism, anterior displacement of articular disc with reduction and anterior displacement of articular disc without reduction.
Clinical and radiographic examinations, and their mandibular movements were recorded before and 1, 2, 6 months respectively after using occlusal biteplane splint by means of PRI pain scores, Helkimo-dysfunction index, and Mandibular Kinesiography.
Comparatively analyzing, the results were as follow .
1.PRI scores weirs decreased in all three groups after treatment (p<0.05).
2.Pain scores and Helkimo dysfunction index declined only in anterior displacement of articular disc without reduction group (p<0.05).
3. There were significant differences at maximum opening state on sagittal plane and at maxi-mum opening velocity in bruxism group ; at maximum opening stat? and anterior-posterior displacement on sagittal plane and maximum opening velocity in
anterior displacement of articular disc with reduction; and at maximum opening state and anterior-posterior displacement and at maximum opening & closing velocity in anterior displacement of articular disc without reduction group.
4. Swallowing and masticatory patterns remained unchanged by using biteplane splint for treatment, 11% were in infantile swallowing patterns and 89% were in adult swallowing patterns. Most of masticatory patterns were Type Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ, and in the order of which was the most to least was from Type Ⅱ, Ⅰ, and Ⅲ.
5.Among the various daignostic indices, Pain scores and Helkimo dysfunction index were distinct-tively correlated along the measurement periods (P<0.05).
As indicated above, the occlusal biteplane splint thereapy was resulted to be most effective in anterior displacement of articular disc without reduction group comparing to bruxism or anterior displacement of articular disc with reduction
group according to various diagnostic indices used in this study.