eye movement ; videooculography ; real-time image processing ; vestibular function
eye movement ; videooculography ; real-time image processing ; vestibular function
Videooculography (VOG) is one of the eye-movement measurement methods used for objective evaluation of vestibule -ocular reflex. A key feature of VOG is to estimate accurately the center of pupil and ocular torsion with being less influenced by the upper eyelid droop, eyelashes, corneal reflection, and eye blinks. Especially, it Is important to find the accurate center of the pupil in 3-D VOG because the inaccurate pupil center causes significant errors on measuring torsional eye movement. A new algorithm was proposed to find the center of pupil which is a little influenced by factors mentioned above. In this study, real time three-dimensional VOG which can measure horizontal, vortical, torsional eye movements, and the diameter of pupil was implemented using the proposed method.