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온도에 따른 광중합형 치면열구전색재의 흐름 특성

Other Titles
 The Effect of Temperature on the Flow Properties of Light-cured Pit and Fissure Sealants 
 오상환  ;  이덕연  ;  김경남  ;  김광만  ;  김강남  ;  오영일 
 Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지), Vol.31(2) : 159-166, 2004 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials(대한치과기재학회지)
Issue Date
pit and fissure sealants ; temperature ; flow property ; viscosity ; shear rate ; penetration rise ; curing depth ; flexural strength
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on the property of the pit and fissure sealants. The viscosity, capillary penetration rise, curing depth, and bending flexural strength were measured at different temperature of 25?C, 40?C, and 50?C respectively. In this study, six kinds of commercial light-cured pit and fissure sealants were selected; Sealant(Bisco Co., USA; BI), Clinpro(3M Co., USA; CL), Denseal(Vericom Co., Korea; DE), Fissurit F(Voco Co., Germany; FF), Helioseal(Vivadent Co., Liechtenstein; HE), and Ultraseal(Ultradent Co., USA; UL).
As temperature increased, the viscosity significantly decreased for all sealants. Among the sealants tested, BI showed the highest viscosity. The other sealants were the viscosities were not different significantly. As shear rate was increased, BI, FF, HE, and UL showed a thixotropic behavior at 25?C, 40?C, and 50?C respectively, while CL and DE showed a dilatant behavior at 25t. As temperature increased, the capillary penetration rise were increased for all sealants(P<0.05). As temperature increased, the curing depth were slightly decreased for BI, CL, DE, and FF, while there was no significant difference in HE and UL. The results of flexural strength as a function of temperature did not show a significant difference for all sealants(P>0.05). According to these results, it was concluded that the effect of temperature on the viscosity and the capillary penetration of pit and fissure sealant was significant.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (생화학-분자생물학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering (치과생체재료공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kyoung Nam(김경남)
Kim, Kwang Mahn(김광만) ORCID logo
Oh, Sang Hwan(오상환)
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