Intervention ; Team approach ; Cancer Pain ; Terminal care
Purpose:This study investigated differences in perspectives of cancer pain management between nurses and physicians as characterized by interventions for multidimensional pain symptoms in patients diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Method:23 nurses and 14 physicians, Korea’s best hospice specialty groups, were asked to choose relevant interventions for cancer pain using clinical protocol questionnaire consisting of physical, psychosocial, and spiritual interventions. A clinical protocol questionnaire was drawn up by examining the records of the terminal patients in one of the home hospice organizations and by reviewing relevant nursing interventions and medical treatments in literatures.
Result:Significant differences concerning the perspective were found. Physicians scored the importance of psychosocial and spiritual interventions significantly lower than nurses. The nurses identified various of the non-pharmacological Interventions for cancer pain management in terminal stage.
Conclusion:The results are discussed in light of psychosocial and spiritual dimensions regarding perspective differences in pain management. These findings indicate the need for collaborative team approach in hospice care. Further study is needed on the effectiveness of multidimensional pain and non-pharmacological interventions in terminal patients.