Background : The aim of th~s study is to estimate soclo-economic costs of alcohol by beverage type in Korea.
Methods : We calculated two types of contribution rates of beverages by using data regarding ’3 the pure alcohol
consumption obtained from the National Statistical Office and the Korea Customs Service and @ high-risk drinking from the Individuals’ Drlnking Pattern Survey conducted In 2002. Then, we applied each type of contribution rate to total socio-economic cost of alcohol.
Result : According to a method based on pure alcohol consumption. socio-economic cost of Soju is estimated to be 9.747 billion Won (65.26%). of beer, 3,310 billion Won (22.16%); of wlne, 81 1 billion Won (5.43%); or of spirits.
1.068 billion Won (7.15%). Based on the probability of high-risk drinking, as the second method, estimated socio-econom~c cost of Soju is 13.285 billion Won (88.95%): of beer. 1,178 billion Won (7.89%); of wine, 354 billion Won (2.37%); or of spir~ts, 118 b~lllon Won (0.79%)
Conclusion : In both methods. Soju 1s estimated to incur the most socio-economic costs of alcohol among beverage types in Korea