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중등도 및 중증 승모판 협착증 환자에서 경피적 승모판 성형술의 장기 성적 비교

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 Comparison of Long-Term(Over 10 Years) Outcome of Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Valvuloplotomy between Moderate and Severe Mitral Stenosis 
 김중선  ;  정보영  ;  강석민  ;  하종원  ;  고영국  ;  최동훈  ;  장양수  ;  정남식  ;  심원흠  ;  조승연  ;  김성순  ;  김창수  ;  남정모 
 KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL, Vol.36(3) : 208-213, 2006 
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Mitral stenosis;Balloon valvuloplasty
Background and Objectives: Percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplotomy (PMV) is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of mitral stenosis (MS); however, its long-term results according to the severity of MS remain unknown. The aim of this study was to compare the long-term results of PMV between moderate and severe MS.

Subjects and Methods: The immediate and long-term outcomes of 786 patients (198 male, mean age; 43 years) who underwent PMV at a single referral center, between 1988 and 2000, were analyzed. The clinical and echocardiographic data were compared between moderate (n=357) and severe MS (n=429).

Results: Optimal results were gained in 618 (79%) patients, including 80 and 76% moderate and severe MS cases, respectively (p=0.13). Acute complications occurred in 85 patients (11%), but without significant difference between the two groups. After a mean follow-up period of 94 months (range, 6 to 210 month), the 5 year event-free survival rate was better in moderate (88%) than in severe MS (79%), but the 10 year event-free survival rates were no different (65% vs. 65%). Independent predictors for better prognosis were a lower echo score (≤8)(p=0.017, HR=0.67), a larger mitral valve area after the PMV (≥1.7 cm2)(p=0.002, HR=0.65), less mitral regurgitation (III) (p=0.001, HR=0.46) and a lower left atrial pressure (<12 mmHg)(p=0.005, HR=0.80).

Conclusion: The immediate and long-term outcomes of PMV for moderate MS were no better after 9 years than those for severe MS. Therefore, PMV for moderate MS should be considered in selected cases with a favorable MV morphology.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Seok Min(강석민) ORCID logo
Ko, Young Guk(고영국) ORCID logo
Kim, Sung Soon(김성순)
Nam, Chung Mo(남정모) ORCID logo
Shim, Won Heum(심원흠)
Jang, Yang Soo(장양수) ORCID logo
Chung, Nam Sik(정남식)
Joung, Bo Young(정보영) ORCID logo
Cho, Seung Yun(조승연)
Choi, Dong Hoon(최동훈) ORCID logo
Ha, Jong Won(하종원) ORCID logo
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