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대장내시경 전 처치 약제 Solin? 투여 후 발생한 고인산혈증 및 급성신부전 1예

Other Titles
 A case of hyperphosphatemia and acute renal failure following the administration of solin? (oral sodium phosphate) 
 박종원  ;  송재천  ;  임현철  ;  강병승  ;  배기선  ;  박효진  ;  하성규 
 Korean Journal of Medicine, Vol.75(6) : 689-693, 2008 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine
Issue Date
Oral sodium phosphate ; Acute renal failure ; Hyperphosphatemia
Solin(R) (oral sodium phosphate) is a commonly used osmotic laxative solution that has replaced polyethylene glycol in bowel preparation for colonoscopy as it has equal or greater efficacy and patient compliance. However, its use has been associated with several cases of acute renal failure and electrolyte imbalance, especially hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia. Those at higher risk of complications are patients who are older and have intestinal obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, renal failure, or congestive heart failure. We report the case of a 61-year-old woman presenting with paresthesia in both hands after using Solin(R) for bowel preparation for colonoscopy. The patient had hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia combined with acute renal failure. She recovered from the renal failure and electrolyte imbalance with intravenous hydration and treatment with phosphate-binding agents.
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Yonsei Authors
Park, Hyo Jin(박효진) ORCID logo
Ha, Sung Kyu(하성규)
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