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외상성 뇌손상, 다발성 골절이 동반된 좌측 대퇴절단 환자에서의 단계적 의지 보행 훈련

Other Titles
 Step-by-step Prosthetic Gait Training to Left Transfemoral Amputee Who Had Traumatic Brain Injury and Multiple Fracture 
 신지철  ;  유지현 
 Journal of Korean Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (한국의지보조기학회지), Vol.4(1) : 58-62, 2010 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics(한국의지보조기학회지)
Issue Date
Transfemoral amputation ; Traumatic brain injury ; Pelvic fracture ; Gait training
We presented a left transfemoral amputee who had left acetabular fracture, separation of symphysis pubis, and traumatic brain injury due to motorcycle accident. Initially, his mental status was stupor, and his left acetabular fracture was malunion status. So, we planned step-by-step prosthetic gait training. Via outpatient clinic, we checked his cognitive function status and union of pelvic bone fracture. After his cognitive function was improved, he re-admitted to our hospital, and we measured his prosthesis. During the second admission, he showed poor standing balance, decreased muscle power and pain of left pelvic. After his standing balance improved, he re-admitted to our hospital, and he got a gait training. He underwent fifty-days gait training, he achieved indoor ambulator with unilateral monocane that was his functional goal.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Shin, Ji Cheol(신지철) ORCID logo
Yoo, Jee Hyun(유지현)
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