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60Hz 자기장에 대한 과민 증후군의 자각증상 원인 평가

Other Titles
 Assessment of subjective symptoms by 60Hz magnetic field in electromagnetic hypersensitivity 
 양동인  ;  남기창  ;  권민경  ;  김덕원 
 Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion & Sensibility (감성과학), Vol.13(4) : 721-732, 2010 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion & Sensibility(감성과학)
Issue Date
As increasing of electrical device usage, social concerns about the possible effects of 60Hz electromagnetic fields
(EMF) on human health have increased. The number of people with self-attributed electromagnetic hypersensitivity
(EHS) who complain of subjective symptoms such as headache, insomnia etc. also increased. However, we don’t
know whether the EHS results from psychological factor or real perception to the electromagnetic field. In this
study, we simultaneously investigated physiological changes(heart rate, respiration rate, heart rate variability, alpha
and beta waves in EEG), subjective symptoms and perception accuracy to assess origins of subjective symptoms
according to the EMF exposure. Experiment consists of real and sham sessions and 60Hz 12.5uT magnetic field
was on(real) or off(sham) to 15 EHS and 16 nonEHS. As the results, EMF exposure did not have any effects on
physiological parameters or subjective symptoms for both groups. There was also no evidence that EHS group
perceived the EMFs correctly than the control group. Therefore, the origins of subjective symptoms is not the 60Hz
magnetic field but psychological factors
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kwon, Min Kyung(권민경)
Kim, Deok Won(김덕원)
Nam, Ki Chang(남기창)
Yang, Dong In(양동인)
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