Browsing by Yonsei Author : Hong, Ju Young

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Hong, Ju Young [홍주영]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Emergency Medicine (응급의학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Role of point-of-care ultrasound in critical care and emergency medicine: update and future perspective CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2023Efficiency, limitations, and familiarization of a novel negative pressure aerosol box for intubation: a simulation-based randomized crossover study CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022응급 협의 진료 전산화 시스템이 응급 진료를 위한 의료진 의사 소통에 미친 영향 Health Communication(의료커뮤니케이션)
2022Healthy lifestyle factors, cardiovascular comorbidities, and the risk of sudden cardiac arrest: A case-control study in KoreaRESUSCITATION
2022Characteristics of crashes and injuries on delivery motorcycles: A retrospective cohort studyTRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION
2021호흡기 분리형 음압 챔버의 개발과 기도 삽관 시 보호 효과의 확인 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine(대한응급의학회지)
2021The elderly age criterion for increased in-hospital mortality in trauma patients: a retrospective cohort study SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE
20212020 Korean Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Part 3. Adult basic life support CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2020표준화된 의사 소통 도구와 시뮬레이션 방식을 사용한 구급대원 의사 소통 교육과정의 효과 Korean J Health Commun
2019구글 행아웃을 이용하여 원격 화상회의로 진행한 응급의학과 전공의 교육 경험 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2019Development and external validation of new nomograms by adding ECG changes (ST depression or tall T wave) and age to conventional scoring systems to improve the predictive capacity in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage: a retrospective, observational study in Korea BMJ OPEN
2017뇌 지주막하 출혈환자의 예후예측을 위한 심전도 변화를 포함한 요인 분석 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)

