Browsing by Yonsei Author : Cho, Yong Eun

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Cho, Yong Eun [조용은]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (55666809200)

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Showing results 101 to 129 of 129

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2008Technical Strategies and Surgical Results of C1 Lateral Mass-C2 Pedicular Screw Fixation in Atlantoaxial Disorders Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2008Evaluation of intrasyrinx fluid motion by spatial modulation of magnetization-magnetic resonance imaging in syringomyelia with long-term follow-up: a predictor of postoperative prognosis?JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY
2008Surgical treatment of primary spinal tumors in the conus medullaris Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2008Clinical approach and surgical strategy for spinal diseases in pregnant women: a report of ten casesSPINE
2007Prevalence of osteoporosis in patients requiring spine surgery: incidence and significance of osteoporosis in spine diseaseOSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL
2007기구를 사용한 척추유합수술 후 발생한 창상 감염의 치료 Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2007New prognostic factors for adjacent-segment degeneration after one-stage 360° fixation for spondylolytic spondylolisthesis: special reference to the usefulness of pelvic incidence angleJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE
2006Thermographic diagnosis of whiplash injury with/without radiculopathyKey Engineering Materials
2006Serial Changes of MR Images Throughout the Stages of Infection of Spondylodiscitis Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2006골다공증성 압박골절에서 척추체 성형술 후 발생한 지연성 척수압박증 : 증례 보고 Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2006Retraction: Cortical Margining Capabilities of Fins associated with ventral cervical spine instrumentation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2006척추 질환의 체열 촬영Korean Journal of Thermology (대한체열학회지)
2006Efficacy of postural reduction in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures followed by percutaneous vertebroplastyNEUROSURGERY
2006Contributing factors affecting the prognosis surgical outcome for thoracic OLF EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL
2006Surgical management of spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL
2005Spinal Cord Hamartoma Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2005The Effectiveness of Osteoplasty System (Vertebroplasty using Large Cannula-low Pressure Delivery System) in Compression Fracture and other Spinal Pathology Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2005Degenerative Spondylolisthesis in Thoracic Spine Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2005Thoracic mobile schwannoma Korean Journal of Spine
2005Functional recovery after human umbilical cord blood cells transplantation with brain-derived neutrophic factor into the spinal cord injured ratACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2005Surgical Treatments for Lumbar Disc Disease in Adolescent Patients; Chemonucleolysis / Microsurgical Discectomy / PLIF with Cages YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004급성 척수손상 환자의 치료 : 최근의 세포치료 연구 결과를 중심으로 Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2004Primary Intraspinal Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor at Conus Medullaris YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004척추유합술 후 발생한 창상감염의 치료 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2004척수손상백서에서 인간 제대혈 세포이식에 의한 신경기능의 회복 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2001후측방으로 탈출된 경추 디스크의 후방 미세간공천개절제술의 치료결과 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
1996경추부에 발생한 결핵성 척추염 - 증례보고 - Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society(대한신경외과학회지)
1994Nucleotomc을 이용한 요추간판탈출증의 경피적 수핵절제술 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society(대한신경외과학회지)
1994추간판 탈출증과 동반된 경막외 척추 혈관종의 치험 1 례 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society(대한신경외과학회지)

