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QLF-D, ICDAS, DIAGOdent를 이용한 발거된 치아의 교합면 우식증의 정량화 비교

Other Titles
 In vitro quantification of occlusal caries lesion using QLF-D, ICDAS, and DIAGNOdent 
 강시묵  ;  민지현  ;  김한나  ;  김백일  ;  김진범  ;  정승화 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지), Vol.38(2) : 105-110, 2014 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health(대한구강보건학회지)
Issue Date
DIAGNOdent ; Early caries detection ; ICDAS ; Occlusal caries ; QLF-D ; Quantification
Objectives : To compare the QLF-D method and the ICDAS and DIAGNOdent techniques for in vitro quantification of occlusal caries and to assess the histological features of the caries.

Methods : One hundred and twenty-two extracted permanent teeth were selected, and the site of interest on the occlusal surface was examined using each detection method. The occlusal sites were classified according to the ICDAS II criteria based on the decision taken by two investigators, who have taken the ICDAS E-learning course. The examined site was then measured using the DIAGNOdent, and the peak value was recorded. In addition, by using the QLF-D, the occlusal site was photographed to obtain the ΔFmax value. After all assessments were performed, the occlusal sites were vertically sectioned in order to assess the histological features. This was considered the gold standard. The histological criteria were graded using a 4-point scale as follows: S=sound (n=21), E1=limited enamel caries (n=27), E2=caries extending to the dento-enamel junction (n=49), D=caries involving the dentine (n=25).

Results : An ICDAS code between 0 and 4 was assigned to all the occlusal sites, and this revealed the QLF-D value, which was between -95 to 0. The DIAGNOdent value was between 8 and 99. The correlation values of QLF-D, ICDAS, and DIAGNOdent with the histological features were 0.68, 0.58, and 0.46, respectively (P<0.01). A highly significant correlation was observed between QLF-D and the gold standard, which showed a moderate correlation and an acceptable correlation was observed with ICDAS (r=0.75, P<0.01). A statistically significant difference was observed in the average QLF-D values of each histological grade i.e., -28.5 (S), -53.7 (E1), -68.1 (E2), and -84.4 (D).

Conclusions : The QLF-D showed a significant correlation with the ICDAS and histological features. Therefore, visual inspection with QLF-D would improve the detection accuracy and ensure early diagnosis of dental caries.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Preventive Dentistry and Public Oral Health (예방치과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Others (기타) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kang, Si-Mook(강시묵) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2341-3636
Kim, Baek Il(김백일) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8234-2327
Min, Ji Hyun(민지현)
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