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골육종 환자의 반복적 폐전이 절제술

Other Titles
 Repeated Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Patients with Osteosarcoma 
 이진구  ;  김대준  ;  송승준  ;  정경영  ;  박인규  ;  신규호 
 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지), Vol.40(9) : 607-612, 2007 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery(대한흉부외과학회지)
Issue Date
Background: Surgical resection is a standard treatment for pulmonary metastases in patients with osteosarcoma, but the role of performing repeated resections is not clear. This study was designed to clarify the feasibility of performing a repeated pulmonary metastasectomy and the prognostic factors for pulmonary metastases in patients with osteosarcoma. Material and Method: Between January 1990 and July 2005, 62 patients with osteosarcoma were diagnosed with pulmonary metastases and 36 patients underwent pulmonary resection. We reviewed the patients retrospectively. Result: The total number of pulmonary metastasectomies was 62 in 30 patients. Among 36 patients, 18 had a second metastasectomy, 7 had a third metastasectomy, and one patient had a fourth metastasectomy. There was no distinctive difference between the first and second metastatectomy in terms of median survival time, and the 3-year and 5-year survival rate (first resection: 20.5 months, 32.0% and 29,4%; second resection: 11.3 months, 34.9% and 34.%). However, the median survival time (7.1 months) was shorter in patients with a third metastatectomy than in patients with one metastatectomy (p=0.01). In long-term survivors, the number of female patients, patients with a disease free time longer than 12 months, patients with a single metastasis and patients with anatomic resection was larger when compared to non-long term survivors, but showed no statistical significance. Conclusion: Repeated pulmonary metastasectomy is expected to prolong survival time in patients with osteosarcoma, and is expected to increase long-term survival in selected cases. Further studies with a large number of patients are necessary.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (흉부외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dae Joon(김대준)
Park, In Kyu(박인규)
Shin, Kyoo Ho(신규호)
Lee, Jin Gu(이진구)
Chung, Kyung Young(정경영)
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