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위전절제술을 받은 위암 환자에서 조기경장영양요법과 총비경구영양요법의 무작위 전향적 비교연구

 김혜운  ;  정재복  ;  김충배 
 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.59(6) : 407-413, 2012 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
Issue Date
Early enteral nutrition ; Nasojejunal feeding tube ; Total gastrectomy ; Length of stay ; Complication
Background/Aims: Early enteral nutrition (EEN) has benefits in reducing infectious complication, length of stay (LOS) and preserving liver function. There are few data about the effect of EEN in the patients who had total gastrectomy. The aim of this randomized and prospective study was to evaluate the effect of EEN after total gastrectomy on nutritional status, liver function, complications and LOS, compared to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in patients with gastric cancer. Methods: Among 56 patients with gastric cancer, 36 and 20 were randomly assigned to EEN and TPN groups, and finally 17 and 16 completed EEN and TPN schedules, respectively. The nutritional parameters, liver function, LOS and abdominal symptoms were compared between 2 groups on pre-operative day and post-operative 7th day. Results: There was no significant difference in the nutritional parameters, liver function between EEN and TPN groups. Vomiting and abdominal distention were more frequent in EEN than TPN group (2 vs. 0 cases, p=0.485; 1 vs. 0 case, p=1.000, respectively), while increased AST, ALT and total bilirubin were more common in TPN than EEN group (4 vs. 2 cases, p=0.398; 1 vs. 0 case, p=0.485, respectively without statistical significance). LOS was shorter in EEN than TPN group without statistical significance (12 vs. 13 days, p=0.289). Conclusions: No significant differences were found in the nutritional status parameters, liver function, complications and LOS between EEN and TPN groups on 7th day after total gastrectomy. Further large scale studies on the advantages and disadvantages of EEN after total gastrectomy are warranted.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Surgery (외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Choong Bai(김충배)
Chung, Jae Bock(정재복)
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