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Development of a Mature B Lymphocyte Probe through Gating-Oriented Live-Cell Distinction (GOLD) and Selective Imaging of Topical Spleen

 Heewon Cho  ;  Haw-Young Kwon  ;  Youngsook Kim  ;  Kyungwon Kim  ;  Eun Jig Lee  ;  Nam-Young Kang  ;  Young-Tae Chang 
 JACS Au, Vol.4(4) : 1450-1457, 2024-02 
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B lymphocytes play a pivotal role in the adaptive immune system by facilitating antibody production. Young B cell progenitors originate in the bone marrow and migrate to the spleen for antigen-dependent maturation, leading to the development of diverse B cell subtypes. Thus, tracking B cell trajectories through cell type distinction is essential for an appropriate checkpoint assessment. Despite its significance, monitoring specific B cell subclasses in live states has been hindered by a lack of suitable molecular tools. In this study, we introduce CDoB as the first mature B cell-selective probe, enabling real-time discrimination of three classified stages in B-cell development: progenitor, transitional, and mature B cells, through a single analysis using CyTOF. The selective mechanism of CDoB, elucidated as gating-oriented live-cell distinction (GOLD), targets SLC25A16, identified through systematic screening of SLC-CRISPRa and CRISPRi libraries. CDoB selectively brightens mature B cells in the mitochondrial area using SLC25A16 as the main gate, and the staining intensity correlates positively with the expression level of SLC25A16 along the B cell maturation continuum. In spleen tissues, CDoB demonstrates selective marking in mature B cell areas in live tissue status, representing the first performance achieved by a small-molecule fluorescent probe.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kyungwon(김경원) ORCID logo
Kim, Young Sook(김영숙)
Lee, Eun Jig(이은직) ORCID logo
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